Good God, Lemon

I don’t know what it has to do with Singapore but I know a lot of rednecks lol

The BBB isn’t really governmentally connected like people think. They’re like yelp but with the word bureau in the name. All they can do is assign grades and try to mediate with customers and businesses.

Ahahahaha! Did they not ever hear the word tacos out loud before? I love when they say no and it has every vowel. Niaow.

I live in the South and once an Australian woman came for an extended visit and people kept telling her she sounded sophisticated.

Can you blame them for not wanting to be the next Jersey Shore? Being from Jersey, I sympathize.


Wasn’t she also a Michael Jackson protege? Judith Hill knows everybody.

I went to i love the 90s this year and it was fun and i got drunk off stadium frozen margaritas

Um do you follow the royal order of sartorial splendor? Because i do and its just pics of european royalty in pretty clothes.

Jezebel titles lately make me want to set things on fire. Why are you using a photo of a home depot cart and leading in with info about him being a co founder? He’s no longer with the company for over a decade. I feel like someone over there is a sociopath who just likes to start shit.

There were a couple people on reddit saying they got “roaded” by their parents or grandparents in the country for being little shits. Told to get out and walk while their parents drove extremely slow next to or behind them. This sounds fake and hilarious.

Is the movie supposed to be bad or something? I wouldn’t call the book sappy. It touches on some real dark shit and there is not a happy ending.

I have some very nice light wash skinny jeans from the thrift store that are a size too big for me. I wear them high up on the waist with a belt and cuff the legs. They look exactly like they were meant to be boyfriend jeans.

I’m one of those people that thinks everyone has never had surgery but the more I look at Kim these days I’m like nope she’s had surgery like a motherfucker. That or injections to puff the hell out of her cheekbones.

Please tell us more.

My meniscus was surgeried on 8 years ago and I still can’t wear a shoe over 1.5 inches without feeling there are knives in my knee.

GTFO with this. Just bye.

This was apparently Azealia Banks’s defense. “I was being racist to remind Zayn he’s brown.” Because he can’t look in a mirror?

Believe it or not, Southern girls are often way more formally dressed than their nothern counterparts. I moved from Jersey to Mississippi years ago and was amazed at how often I saw dresses and pearls worn so confidently on a daily basis.

I have never not loved Paris. Sad about her coke thing, though. You’ve got everything in the world going for you and you decide drugs are the way to go? Cool, rich people. Cool.