Good God, Lemon

this kind of reminds me of when sites like buzzfeed caught wind of the humongous amount of fan art with elsa as a woman of color and thousands of white people commented "BLACK OR WHITE DOESNT MATTER TO ME I DONT SEE COLOR" it doesn't even make sense to explain to those geniuses.

this situation has not shit to do with fraternities overall to me, but everything to do with the kind of people in the video in general. the frat is just an excuse for them to congregate. i live in the south and you find idiots everywhere.

is that her name? i feel like she wants to be a cast member so hard and it is truly delicious that they don't even put her name on the screen while she licks stassi's ass in supplication.

on the radio i heard that miley reposts weird fan shops (like the pizza baby: fan made)

oh WUT i went from a 4 to a 10 last year and everybody says i look fine. if 6 is fat then wtf is this life?

that is a nice dog crate

that southwestern salad tho

what in the actual fuck

whenever i hear gentle john mayer music on the radio it feels so weird

I am so obsessed with Weimar Berlin it seems fun and weird and dark from what books and photos tell me

that end scene where all the dark people lifted her made me so uncomfortable it was extremely white saviorish

I flip out on my insides when someone goes, "I can't stand it when my toilet paper rolls from underneath instead of on top I'm so OCD!" No you cannot BE OCD you either HAVE it or you don't and you don't so stfu.

haha thanks she's really chill and we can joke with her and say dumb stuff and she just comes right back with a smart ass reply, but she's still somehow a sweet kid. when i tell her we can't do stuff she says, "ok mommy i understand" and it blows my mind that she's so laid back because at 4 i was a clingy crybaby who

one of my sisters and my best friend don't want children but they love my kid and other peoples kids and want to hang out with them and spoil them and then go home to a quiet house without kids. why can't people just be normal and temperate like that? why do they have to say "i hate kids." get a grip. also, daycare is

I'm with Dan Savage in that if you want to have an open relationship then go right ahead, as long as both partners are knowledgeable and willing. If you're fucking around and hiding it then it's cheating, and that's messed up and I judge you.

I wish I could do this but my kid is fun and lively and always willing to go stay with grandma and grandpa if I want to go drink somewhere with my husband. She's 4 and constantly tells us we should go on dates so she can go hang out with her grandparents. I have to tell people my dog has separation anxiety so I should

I have one child and everyone I know with multiple children is always riding up my asshole to have more kids and it makes me say viciously anti-child things just to be a dick. They'll say "You should have more kids" and I go "We have a dog" which I know will piss people off because I've just equated kids with pets. I

holy shit

seeing museums alone is the best way to go! you can wander at your own pace and sit on whatever bench you want in front of an exhibit and nobody will get annoyed that you're taking so long.

I only shampoo her hair once a week (Sundays) to get built up product out. Then soak with macadamia oil products.