KG Adventures

I know writers who use subtext and they’re all cowards.

This is really really cool.
I hope she becomes a star!
Also, the Dragons need her badly.

TLJ did not punish one for being a Star Wars fan; it actually reveled in the lore:
For illusions or projections? In the lore books and d20 games. It supposed to be a forgotten usage of the Force, much like climate manipulation using the Force that the Kel Dor used to do.
Using the Force to survive in space? Done in the

More like listening to a guy who’s not such a giant fan of star wars, that they look at the entire concept and take is so seriously that the thought of being reminded that Star Wars is still a silly fantasy becomes an attack their personal character.

As someone who’s enjoyed as a fantasy movie, I thought the Last Jedi

Now playing

Meanwhile, here’s Jedi Master Plo Koon briefly surviving in the vacuum of space with the Force in Clone Wars. Stuff like Leia’s spacewalk has precedent in the canon.

Did you miss the whole part where the force powers that where introduced were already part of the Expanded universe like almost 10 years ago? Star Wars Fan here. TLJ was fucking fantastic in how disruptive it was, get over yourself.

For a while now, I’ve wanted a crying baby gif to keep on-hand for whenever one of these whining knuckleheads shows up. I think yours is better. Thank you.

The problem is that those things that money used to be based on... they don’t really have value either. A big reason why gold was so popular as money for so long is because it’s rare, it’s very hard to fake, it doesn’t decay and it’s not actually needed to be used for anything important.

One day soon many, many people will be making the argument that The Last Jedi ranks as the best Star Wars film.

Cars 2 is, by no stretch of anyone’s imagination, better than Cars 3.

“In the original canon, until Disney decided to say fuck all to just about everything”

The implication being that you need to use the Force to control the blade? If that were the case and it’s Disnesy’s fault, how’d Han slice open the taun with Luke’s saber?

I suppose they are also suing the local religious groups because they have not held their deity accountable for the Santa Ana winds or the annual drought and flood cycle.

I had a quad-kill with Reaper’s deathblossom yesterday where I just walked right up to the other team, which was clustered together focused on the point, and managed to pause long enough to spray paint the ground with ‘die die die’ before letting it go. It made for a great potg.

My doula offered to have it encapsulated because I guess it’s high in iron and I tend toward anemia after birth. I elected to take iron pills and eat liver. There’s something weird about eating your own body parts.

I flippin love polenta!

For the first encounter - if it were any kind of Alcubierre style drive, its possible that the disturbance was atmospheric matter interacting with the event horizon of an improperly/partially formed bubble. Because if it were a properly formed alcubierre bubble... you could fly right through it and not notice it was

Um, no. Where did I ever say it was a tax on Bitcoins? I specifically use a simplified example where profits are being taxed, and question how much we are taxed. I point out that this is obviously legal, just that I question how much this is done and how it may not benefit society as much as believed.

It is not the definition of a “tax” that is an issue. I agree with Jim that taxing any and all things is the issue. You have a currency the government does not even recognize or back, and its value went up, and you must give some of that to the government. By that logic, if I give you $5 for a seashell today because