KG Adventures

With all Trumps executive orders, dont you wish the states had more power vs what the federal government has now?

Um my wife looks at me like that sometimes. Especially when Im holding the baby in one hand and making her coffee with the other.

if only science could tell us through dna what a person’s sex and race are...

What about the vizio 55 m series for $699? It has been $850 Christmas.

What about the vizio 55 m series for $699? It has been $850 Christmas.

The script is actually a famously popular script in the industry. I belive it was on the black list. I remember 6 or so years ago as an assistant that everyone was buzzing about it and saying how great the sript was. Originally it was supposed to be Keanu Reeves and Sandra Bullock.

Why do you have to go and make it  political? Not every article has to reference Trump. Also, you imply that conservative states (aka Trump voters) dont give to charity as much as liberal states. When it is the exact oposite. multiple studies have found that  conservative households give much more to charities. https:/

Remember when that sci-fi movie came out that was all about learning to communicate and understand the point of view of another culture that is alien, confusing, and scary? Guess you haven’t seen it.

Interesting. thanks! So really it is our own government’s fault for creating systems that alow this, not following up on fraud (fake socials), and then relying on illegal taxes they get. So do you think if they just closed these wholes it would make it more valuable to come in legally?

Did you see the movie? They live in a fluid environment and they move through it like a squid. How would an adanced civilization from Europa look?

How in the world was what he said racist? If I remember right he simply said that a more advanced species took them over.

This is something I have never understood. How do they pay income tax? Wouldnt they need a social security number in order to fill out the correct paperwork? And isnt it illeagal to hire illegal immigrants, so they are paid under the table? if that is the case how would they pay income tax?

I agree. The first one had a really week narative, and the enging for me (low chaos) was really anticlimactic. But the gameplay was so much fun.

Let me know when first party games like Uncharted come to pc. better yet let me know when the majority of new pc releases aren’t buggy crap while their console counterparts play games. And I’m saying this as both a pc and consol gamer.

Akira’s story falls apart and just gets weird. I own Applseed, and “it’s pretty” is the only thing I can remember from it.

A game of hope? I was waiting for it to turn into a horror game the entire time. :)

Vizio gets some of the highest reviews of all brands. And they are reliable. I’ve had mine for over 10 years and it’s just now acting up... and that’s just the buttons.

Vizio’s 2016 M and P series support both formats of HDR. Costco has the 55 inch M series for around $750 or so.

Go to Costco. They have the vizio m series 55incer that gets fantastic reviews for about $749 I believe. One of the benefits is it supports both types of HDR, Dolby and HD10.

My parents whent to planned patenthood when they were pregnant with me. they were college students without a lot of money and they heard that planned parrent hood helped people with low incomes and women while pregnant. instead they were presured to have an abortion. Multiple times my parents said they were sure they

Let’s play a game. Let’s forget this is Trump. Let’s forget all the hyperbole and idiotic tweets and ramblings.