KG Adventures

If you notice I never said we shouldn’t use clean energy. My main point was that people losing their jobs because of government regulation have a right to be upset. Also, Natual gas has it’s problems too. California just had a natural gas leak that did more damage than half a million cars do in a year

I never said government regulation was bad. And using our resourses wisely and efficiently is extreamly important. My point was that Wayward Apology said who cares about the people loosing their jobs! This is why their is so much anger in this country towards the Democratic party. People lose their jobs through no

The issue is that the fossil fuel industries aren’t disappearing because of progress. They are disappearing because of government regulation. If green energy was more effective it wouldn’t need tax credits and government support to keep it afloat. So the question is very valid. People like Ken aren’t losing their jobs

I had never heard of Onward. It looks like a lot of fun! The only thing is the graphics look suprisingly bad. I thought vive and PC vr was supposed to be far superior to Playstation VR. Graphically this looks much less pollished than a game like Farpoint on psvr. That being said the immersion looks fantastic. Do you

Playstation vr comes out next month! It's by the best chance VR has to go mainstream right now.

But the main issue you pose, wearing a headset, is true for augmented reality as well. Unless we are just talking Pokémon Go type phone experiences.

I like the idea of Yurts. You could start out with one or two and add more to your property. One as a master bedroom bathroom. The other as a kitchen and living space when you have guests. If you have kids just add another one! I always made fun of yurts but then I stayed in this one

But did we really want it to be a groundbreaking change? When the rumors first came out everyone was pissed. Why would sony devide the market? Why would they release a new consol we have to have to play the latest games?... well sony didn’t do that. They are very much protecting their instalbase of 40 million users.

The thing people are forgetting is developers still have to make their games compatible with Scorpio AND xbox one. So they will never fully take advantage of it. It will push 4k and probably be great for that, but the core game will be developed for the lowest common denominator. Th only way this will change is if

I agree. I played Battlezone and had a blast. And it had free movement! none of this teleporting crap. Seriously if they don’t figure out how to allow free movement VR will die. I have gear vr and the first thing people say when they try it is “can I move?” Movement is inherent to immersion. PC developers seem scared

I agree. I played Battlezone and had a blast. And it had free movement! none of this teleporting crap. Seriously if they don’t figure out how to allow free movement VR will die. I have gear vr and the first thing people say when they try it is “can I move?” Movement is inherent to immersion. So far PSVR seems to be

Texas figured this out a long time ago. It’s called a Kolache. They took the sweet Czech original, stuffed it with sausage, chese, and jalapeños (and other varieties) and created the ultimate road trip food.

do it as an add-on to amazon prime than cancel it.

Im pretty sure you are joking... But... just in case.

Yeah I hope you are joking. Where on the bible does this, coversation netween God and Abraham take place? Long ange was only pre-flood and even then where do you get that they dont age past 20? And Abraham was very much post flood.

I don’t know who you think you are!

You don’t even need extreme AA. Look at Uncharted 4. I don’t think I saw jaggies once.

Um you can get 4k tvs for under $500. It is not premium at all anymore.

Remember, AMD’s 480 does 5 teraflops, so only 1-2 teraflops less than a Geforce 1080... and it’s only $200 this month. Put a little more power in it and imagine what that would cost next year. It’s not hard to believe they could release the console for $399 at all.

This times 1000. I rather play a game that looks like a pixar movie at 1080p than one of today’s games at 4k.