i want my pink shirt back

I wonder if people were saying that about those who identified as a gender not their own 20 years ago. Something tells me you’d be chomping at the bit to defend trans people in this exact same scenario. Why is gender allowed to be fluid but not race? People struggling with identity adopt cultural practices and

most important part - - -

i think his short stories are far superior

hahahah MRA :) :) :)

read up on fight or flight instincts and “freezing” as a survival tactic, which is the number one response of rape victims in these situations. you are either grossly misinformed, plainly ignorant/uneducated, or a complete asshole. i’m willing to bet money on the last option. YAWN.

you are confusing her credibility with her mother’s.

um. except that’s exactly what it is.

dear this girl’s old boyfriend

Sex doesnt sell—sexual objectification and degradation of women to non human status sells.

David Lynch


She describes her relationship with Matt Damon by saying it’s in “tatters” and notes that he apparently doesn’t handle conflict well.

I suppose she should have used “I” statements then. That’s the tricky thing about language and clarity—it matters. A lot.

I’m still living off mine. I cackle while I count it and stir my cauldron.

They do what they want; they’re great at organized dancing; their unspoken sense of choice-based feminism (or post-feminism altogether) allows for the distinctly Girls Gone Wild-y pleasure of being told to dress up and do whatever the boys say.

omg I sincerely can’t take that either, and they do it all. the. time. :(

You’d probably be more passionate about her fate if someone you could put a face on (a face that never deserved a horrifying death like that) had their own fate cut short.

from a pretty fucked up dad


All over the place