
More like Tony FOMO, amirite?

Patience is a virtue, but not when it comes to blogging and stories that happened yesterday

Comments often lose meaning when writers correct mistakes without disclosures.

Forget the fact that the students waited until the clock showed :00 and VCU inbounded the ball. Facts are hard.

66-63 win but a technical free throw tied it? that makes a lot of sense, you stupid cunt.

Burke, are you willfully misinterpreting “Steele *fucked* my mom,* or do we need to hook you up with some hearing aids?

Lol yeah, dude. Poor Lil Ted Cruz is the victim.

In these trying times, it’s great to see we can all still unite and hate Duke.

Nerd alert.

For the millionth fucking time, Adam Schefter was not and is not bound by HIPAA.

What planet do you live on? Barkley called LeBron out for being a bitch and then LeBron proved he was a bitch by calling out Barkley for his gambling problem. Nuance? Give me a fucking break. LeBron is a petulant child.

I can’t believe so many people are all in on defending Lebron’s whining about his teammates not be good enough for the 10 time this year. To each their own.

This is how things are supposed to work. All the facts come in, then the person is charged or not charged by a grand jury of their peers not by the media.

Seems you’ve got a pretty loose definition of “sportswriter.”

Shoulda taken a beat, removed the USC shirt, and had another USC shirt underneath

So then people can come and start bitching about that sport too?

The existence of a coach named Jeff Fish implies the existence of a coach in the NFL named Jeff Fishest.

If James has had enough of Barkley’s shit, imagine how toilets must feel.

Probably because it isn’t a big deal.