
This is seriously catchy! I love these two now.

I feel for Gary sometimes b/c he's just trying to be a good dad and connect with his step daughter. I wish my stepdad had been a tenth interested in me.

Except that Witherspoon lacks the restrained elegance of Rosemund Pike, which I think was quite crucial for large parts of the film.

Seconded. I understand why she's leaving, though. Being passed over for an outside candidate with less experience says a lot about your ability to move up in the organization.

I guess you never learned about cleavage


Yeah but that last line IS a statement of affirmative consent, no?

Maybe ESPN's next special will be "Women Explain What it Feels Like to Get Kicked In the Balls".

My beloved and I met on match.com 8 years ago. Been married for 5 years. Look forward to spending the next 30 years proving the naysayers wrong!

8/10. Would incarcerate.

gabrielle, congrats on not aging, but having some goddamn ageless wisdom

Let me guess: you're white, right?

Join me in ignoring/dismissing the commenters intent being THISISNOTABOUTRACEGAWD assholes and/or THEINTERNETISNOTSECUREDUMMIES assholes.

Best college admissions essay ever, though.

How could you stoop Solo as to make that joke?

Ah, "The Wolf of Wall Street." It's poster is sure to soon hang next to "Scarface" in the apartments of boys who don't understand movies.

Félicitations! Magnifique!

Hey now the Midwest has lots of redeeming qualities. Mainly it has me. And real cheese. And beer.

Just hearsay and allegations. And I signed a plea-bargain. Once again, not true.