
That man is so.. crinkly.

Well hot damn! This week ended on a high note. First this asshole and then Rick Perry being indicted for abuse of power. I might be drinking in celebration tonight inside.

I have a lot of feelings about this whole War Machine thing but I will just summarize by saying that I hope from here on out the world is very unkind to him.

Everything else is irrelevant. That bastard is off the streets, that's all I'm happy for.

My very angry sister would like me to note, publicly, that there is totally class in Buffy the Vampire Slayer.

She works in an industry that's all about appearance but she always looks like she just got out of bed. I am puzzled.

"The poorer ones that are going there for abortions, they heard that it was going to close, so they quit going there. They started going to health clinics because they thought it was closed and they didn't have transportation to get there. God is good."

Wendy Davis 2014

GODDAMMIT, can we please call these fuckers "anti-choice" not "pro-life"? The semantic game matters in this war of attrition on abortion and we pro-choicers should not concede that label.

See people, this is how you troll properly.

I love the fact that a battered woman gets no sympathy because she is a pornstar. Pure broscience at it's best.

Hope you had fun watching her videos.

It must be a real bummer for you that your nightly reading expectations were undermined by this woman's attack. That must be hard for you.

The press needs to stop calling this a beating or an attack. It's attempted murder and sexual assault. The woman was forced to watch her friend get beaten, then she got beaten, stabbed, sexually assaulted, threatened with further rape, tortured, and the only reason she's alive is because he decided to go look for a

I am working on it as fast as I can.

Cock or salmon?

KFC Customer Apologizes for "Stealing" Piece of "Chicken"

I don't. I find most brides to be quite reasonable. Brides actually get unfairly dumped on a lot in the wedding planning process. The bride in this article, however, sounds like a peach.

Er, what? Communication and disagreements can be settled without ever arguing.

Eating bread while intercoursing sounds like the best use of one's time.

The newest Jezebel EIC is another white woman.