
Like Europe, introduce gas tax tiers for each engine class (4, 6, 8, 10, 12 cyl) with lower cylinder counts getting less tax. Even less tax for an EV. This then is added to registration and taken off the pumps. If not, add scanners to pumps for VINs and Drivers Licenses to verify engine class and if discrepancies are

Cake flour is also very finely ground. Much more than regular flour. It’s one step before 00 flour.


Game looks AMAZING! However, I am disappointed in not hearing Christopher Walkens voice..... :/

This needs to be stated more. It’s 25years after nuclear weapons and maybe a year after the scorched beasts took over. You want NPC’s? Stop killing the scorched then and cure them cuase they were your NPC’s. Vault dwellers are coming out in the middle of a mystery that no one seems to want to solve.

Wholly crap! You answered it.

It’s not good for us as they add sugar to get the bread to rise faster. Eat bread that has no sugar in the ingredients list....

North Star Mall’s Cowboy Boots are a big hit.

Most all VQ swapped 240sx’s are this way (mine included). Some of the best handling you can get.

After I learned how to make my own bread I discovered that I started feeling great. Found it was all the sugar that was killing me, not the gluten. I have since made bread for many people and have heard the same from them.