
I kept waiting for a period to come. It never did.

She truly IS America’s Sweetheart.

I have large hands. I’ve had an iPhone 6 (not even a 6S!) for a couple years. And even THAT still feels too large and unwieldy to me. I don’t need a phone that’s the size of a freaking tablet. Who am I, a modern-day Zack Morris? Ugh... I WISH.

AVClub: Baby Driver car sells for $69k.

I just couldn’t read “Hal Linden is right!” without immediately flashing to Blazing Saddles and “Howard Johnson is right!”

It just dawned on me that the site design is almost identical to The Ringer’s site design so this is going to make my daily half-assed perusings SUPER confusing. Do I have to go full-assed now to be sure of which site I’m on?

Also holy shit... this looks exactly like The Ringer’s new design, I just realized. I’m going to get so confused.

I liked Disqus. But this is... this is... *different*...

This, completely. That's what I meant. It's like how I was late to ever check out the Twilight Zone, so when I watched old episodes I appreciated them but every plot was so overly familiar that they didn't resonate in the same way… because they basically created all of those tropes that I got used to over the years.

Oh, no, that's not what I meant. Obviously, the themes are still extremely relevant. I just meant that, at the time it was released, that kind of satire was a lot more uncommon, in terms of tackling those themes. What I meant was that seeing it now, I was already used to seeing those issues satirized so it didn't

I know it's sacrilege to say it but yeah… I watched the original Dawn of the Dead for the first time about 10 years ago, and I just couldn't see what the hype was about. I enjoyed it, sure, but I suppose it's one of those movies whose message was more meaningful and subversive in the time it was released than it is

I'd say it's arguably the best movie Zack Snyder has done (I think Watchmen is better than people give it credit for, simply because it's held up against the source material). It's not a "good" movie but as far as zombie movies go (particularly zombie movies that are pure action) it's really pretty solid. Stupid, but

Thank god I'm not the only one. I went to the Amazon page and still couldn't figure it out.

Ugh I wish

I look forward to the fallout when she's inevitably fired next week.

Yep. I live in Texas and my sister-in-law has a slight accent, but then she'll get hyper or start talking to other Texans and the accent comes out big time. Same with my other sister-in-law, who is from Boston, and who definitely sounds it only when she's around other Boston people.

So you mean to tell me the most cartoonishly over the top southern accent in history isn't real?


I don't know whether to be impressed by the restraint or disappointed by it, with regard to not going with "gives neo-Nazis das boot" in the headline.

It's literally the same thing.