
But this accusation did not turn out to be false.


But we do not know Ms. Kwon’s accusations were false. All we know is that she wanted $2 million not to talk about an (alleged) rape. I’ll admit that there may be reasons I cannot fathom, but why pay her if the accusation is untrue?

When you start clicking the links on those studies you’ll realize that none of them have managed to even indicate, much less demonstrate, a causal link between mental illness and creativity. Reminds me of high school when many of us were hoping that drink and drugs would turn us into artistic geniuses (spoiler alert:

I am 60 years old. I read everything on this case back in the day. I believe Dylan. I don’t know anyone my age who does not. I think you are one of Woody’s paid shills.

I do not think that word means what you think it means: “

You have to admit what you did in order to be apologetic.

What does that symbol stand for (not the American flag; I’ve got that)?

“one FEWER banjo”


You wrote, “Maybe that’s the whole purpose of art, the expression of self, unfiltered by expectation or analysis” I wrote, “No....”

What documentaries pushing an agenda are you refering to? Do you think that the national zoo does not have an agenda? Do you think scientists don’t have agendas? This has been a very long thread and you are making some of the same points made by others two days ago. Since then I and others have discussed these issues

Hello Galaxy Girl,

You have ignored our conversation and have chosen to take my last comment on its own and out of context. Let me do the same for you. Just because you do things does not mean those things are good to do. Hitler got up very early in the morning.

I have not noticed the human race solving or even slowing climate change. You?

That’s right, we don’t communicate with each other on the internet to exchange facts or ideas but rather to hurl insults at each other.

Oh, go lock yourself in a cage for twenty years and then get back to us with how it isn’t torture.

One should never communicate with others on the internet to gain information or exchange ideas. Sites like Gawker are only for hurling insults. Thanks for the reminder of propper internet manners.

This comment seems directed to someone else. Maybe it’s time to take a break if you cannot actually read and respond to individual comments? And I’d like to see some evidence (besides your wishful thinking) that the consumerist theme-parks called “zoos” encourage any positive action on climate change to make up for