Quique Munners

Don’t forget., Ali beat both Sonny Liston and George Foreman, both monsters and heavy hitters, and he beat George Foreman when he was past his prime and George Foreman was in his. Mike Tyson never beat a boxer of Ali’s abilities ‘cause there weren’t any. Tyson lost to Evander Holyfield, who he should have beaten and

You should be able to order a little mini-sampler of all the various types.

Ritter makes Hershey bars taste like a candle. 

Try the one with cornflakes in, that’s the best one.

He will call the US Ambassador to Norway to see if he can talk to folks to see if he can get a medal this next go around.

Because people find it fun? Once you’re buying an off-roader, if you aren’t a farmer or forest service employee or logger or something, you’re already buying an impractical vehicle. 

Hey, that's a shitty take you got there, mind telling us more?

Wait, is it really fair to compare Gillum to Kanye, Torry, and Talib?? The actions of those three have not caused harm just to themselves but to others either explicitly (and possibly severely in the case of Torry assuming the rumors are true) or implicitly (like the descendants of Harriet Tubman having to defend their

Y’know, your post is a textbook example of folks who don’t want to deal with ‘inconvenient’ mental illness. People with bi-polar disorders can be one of the more difficult populations to treat because, especially during manic episodes, they don’t want or feel they need to take their meds, or get treatment or whatever.

Lighten up, Francis.

It’s not “talking down” if the intent is to actually provide some background to those who are uninformed as to the mechanics of a sprint car. I used a neutral tone and didn’t use insulting terminology. Just because you understand how a Sprint Car works doesn’t mean everyone else did.


Lighting dark skin is not the same as lightening it.

And Confederate flags definitely never fly in those states, right?


I kind of rolled my eyes at that too. I get tired of all this “real Americans” live in flyover states. If you want to keep costs down by keeping the series in a small, centralized area to keep travel at a minimum then just say that. But marketing b.s. of the Heartland of America just makes it sound contrived.

“in the heartland of America”

That's what I was assuming would be U2's entry on here. "Sunday Bloody Sunday" is great live, but not THAT much better than the studio version. "Bad" is a completely different, superior animal live.

The band I drummed for during high school learned that version of Freebird, usually leaving my hands and arms numb for at least the next 15 minutes. Typically our last song before a break.