
Woody’s unceasing assholery was my biggest problem with 4. In 1, Woody is an asshole who, by the end of the movie learns to not be an asshole by the other toys, and they all become closer because of it. Until 2, when Woody gets kidnapped, and actually thinks about leaving his toy friends for toys HE JUST MET, and has

I’m can’t figure out why someone would prefer watching birds instead of squirrels. Birds are boring! Squirrels are entertaining and way cuter. 

Yeah, I think we were supposed to think Nandor KNEW but then the joke was that he was only talking about Carol. I don’t think this is all going to lead to everyone figuring out that Guillermo is a Vampire Hunter because I can’t buy Laszlo and Nadja ever allowing Guillermo to live there after that. Besides, the show

The reason Disney doesn’t get The Muppet Show online is because they don’t give a shit about the Muppets. One CEO buys something and then leaves the company and the next guy doesn’t want anything to do with that guy’s purchases. So the Muppets are now at the point where the Muppets haven’t made money for Disney

These stories just don’t have titles that portray the ignorance and assholery on display here. How about something like:

I’m sorry, but the biggest problem this year is that they are obsessed with this idea of showing Villanelle being adorable right before murdering. It’s a story beat that’s been happening over and over and over and I’m tired of it. Not only because it’s becoming tiresome, but it is ruining the character. As kooky as V

So at what point does All-Stars become only queens who have already been on All-Stars? Because honestly.

This website seems to not understand what misogyny actually is. Mistreating female lovers is not misogyny. Cheating on female lovers is not misogyny. Otherwise all lesbians who committed these acts could also be labeled misogynists. And, by using that same rationale, every woman that cheated on her male lovers could

If we’re talking Stonemaier, we cannot forget Viticulture, which also has a great Automa and is only 2 places below Wingspan on Board Game Geek’s ranking.

Really any co-op game with multiple characters works for solo as well. I have a lot of multiplayer games that you can solo and actual solo games, but I find co-op games to be the most fun. Figuring out how to make a crew with different abilities solve a puzzle is great, but it’s even greater that next game you’ll have

You can’t argue with these morons, because there’s no logic in fear and hatred. I’ve got a few of these troglodytes at work and over the years I’ve run some “experiments” to see what works and what doesn’t when dealing with them. It doesn’t change their minds, but it usually gets them to shut their fucking mouths.

Not to nitpick Villanelle’s work, as she is clearly the expert here, but could you really throw a knife that small hard enough to pierce the back of a skull?

Obviously the reason they failed is because they didn’t make one of them bleach her hair.

Let me guess, you’re another Millennial that thinks the Big Bang happened in the 1980s and history didn’t begin until shortly before your birth. Being ignorant of actual history doesn’t mean you can rewrite it.

I saw that picture and said, “Yay! Bob the— SHANGELA??!!?! I ain’t watching this shit.” Apparently RuPaul can’t find another way to have Shangela ruin another season of Drag Race, so bitch had to go and find her own show to spread her “charms”. 

When I first heard the line, I also heard “Dose Apples”, which was a pretty weak joke. But at the end of the show, I swear he’s hollering “Dos Apples”, which is a much better joke. Obviously it plays off Dos Equis, but stupider, with a Spanish/English combo that makes no sense. But it really works because the name

I just saw Locke recently and I still can’t get over that vocal transformation. Mostly because I could actually understand him! Ironically, that was probably the worst part of the movie because it seemed like he was just trying too hard to not mumble - his usual method of speaking - so he ee-nunn-cee-aaay-tedd

Okay, the big problem here is that it doesn’t even mention how much of an idiot Daisy Ridley clearly is. Bitch threw unnecessary shade at Rian Johnson while filming this piece of shit. Apparently she hadn’t actually read the script before being in it, because you wouldn’t have to have a very high IQ to realize that

Because unlike Star Wars Dorks, bloggers actually approached The Last Jedi as a film and not something that better put Luke on the equivalent of the Iron Throne, and that every person in it better be related to someone from one of the other films. Honestly, if it was discovered that Rey was related to Jar-Jar, that
