
This is somehow all Barry Allen’s fault. Dammit, Barry!!

Yeah it looks awful and is hard to find stuff now. I’ve found the best way to follow the posts in a chronological order is with an RSS reader.

Ye gods this new layout looks terrible.

I honestly don’t know what gets me more at this point; Cap calling Mjollnir, “On your left”, or “Assemble. Just thinking about it all gives me chills.


OG Zari is 100% gone now, isn’t she?

It’s because businesses have to pay Visa/MC for the privilege of taking their cards as a form of payment, it just wasn’t worth it for small operations back then. Now with CC/debit being used more than cash it would never fly, but yeah you could totally fudge the books to launder money with a lot of businesses back in

This is correct. I worked in a video store for 6 years in the 90s and we never took people’s credit cards for their membership, only a driver’s license. Hell, we didn’t even take credit cards for payment unless it was over $20. If people didn’t return their tapes after a certain period of time (6 months I think?) we’d

I WAS going to be playing a lot of the Show 21, but the devs went and ruined the only mode I care about (Road To The Show) by tying it directly to the online played Diamond Dynasty. I’ve gotten the show every year and is the primary reason I always have a Playstation, I am beyond pissed. And thanks to PS’s refund

I’m still mad Most Wanted never happened, Bobbi and Lance were awesome.

I read the first one and didn’t hate it. The second one started getting too melodramatic/teen angsty so I dropped the series and never picked it back up. From what I understand the later books move away from the angst but I haven’t read them.

Matt Smith. His voice is even similar to Mikkelson’s.

Wait Danny Trejo is in American Gods now? Maybe I’ll actually have to watch it.

What actually changes going in story order? Going by release date would seem to me to be the order they intended to tell the overall story.

Greenland’s already been out for a month or so.

It’s mostly implied when it comes to io9's lists.

After seeing Tenet I can sort of understand why he wanted his movie to be seen in theaters. But the reality of this year just didn’t make that a feasible option and he should be able to recognize that. Theaters just aren’t an option, either you release your movies for the home or no one sees them.

It had only been rumored until now.

Bro,  you spelled Hawkguy wrong, bro.