Ha’ I honestly didn’t know this game had an ending! Anyway speedruns are stupid and repetitive wastes of time. I’m gonna go back to Trials Fusion a real game that doesn’t rely on memorizing when and where to press a button ;)
Ha’ I honestly didn’t know this game had an ending! Anyway speedruns are stupid and repetitive wastes of time. I’m gonna go back to Trials Fusion a real game that doesn’t rely on memorizing when and where to press a button ;)
This is a quick and easy guide for players wanting to understand how Abathur works. These are the basics and will allow you a decent base to understand how to effectively use him to assist your team. I will cover tactics and builds in this thread. You should also be able to find ways to play against him better.
It’s interesting that so many players are willing to advocate such strong and sweeping generalizations over a game that cannot be directly compared to another game of their choice. I feel like we see this a lot among the MOBA community (but I am not saying that all of the people that say “X MOBA sucks” play MOBAs…
No, it doesn’t.
If her opponents can’t avoid her most predictable move, do they deserve to win?
Roll your eyes all you want, but this one machine will probably make more money than Phantom Pain’s entire lifetime sales.
As a graphic designer myself, you’d be suprised how easy it is to make a design that resembles something that’s already existing without being aware in the first place. I can totally see this being a coincidence especially since at a point in my career, i’ve drafted something similar to those logos myself.
Holy shit! Hey, I narrated this! Thank you so much for posting this, Patricia! I read Kotaku every day and I’m an Executive Producer with Chilling Tales for Dark Nights. To see my two worlds collide like this is a huge but very pleasant surprise. And from one of my favorite Kotaku writers! I cannot even right now.
They can’t all be keyboard finger strength champions like you.
That’s actually surprisingly cheap for an office chair with a gimmick. For something with a full steel frame, it’s on the affordable side. Most ‘good’ office chairs usually start at $400 USD and go up from there.
What is it with people on the Internet always comparing things and downplaying other people’s works? It’s always negative, negative, negative. Is it so hard to at least acknowledge that this particular piece of work is pretty nice by itself?
I’d love to see a game set after this one in the Batman Beyond setting with Terry. New villains, a batman with more stealth technology and the ability to fly... Huge futuristic buildings.
Its hilarious rhat people are dicks about what other people enjoy. If you dont like it dont watch it, why piss on other peoples enjoyment?
Bitch, I like to feel pretty. Hand me that curling iron.
PC users have an unfair advantage; When the game’s running at 1 frame per second, you have far more time to consider your next move.
He's white, dummy.