For a show that is definitely trying to be shocking and have over the top “teen” sex and drug use, but I have to admit I just found it unforgivably long and boring. It just seems unintentionally camp to me.
For a show that is definitely trying to be shocking and have over the top “teen” sex and drug use, but I have to admit I just found it unforgivably long and boring. It just seems unintentionally camp to me.
Last season made the 5 core women seem so bad ass and interesting, but this season is making the 5 seem realllllllly weak and dumb. Just one example is that Mary Louise is so transparently manipulative and awful, yet it’s clear they’re going to have some major characters quite easily and quickly fall for her.
I don’t think OP was using the term “need” in regards to literally needing a television show to survive or something, but to say that this specific show would’ve been better off as a one and done/anthology if it was going to have multiple seasons.
I generally agree with you, but I have to mention the prequels are unfortunately canon, so Yoda’s character has been completely ruined.
Agreed. I can’t imagine waiting in ANY line for more than a few minutes, let alone for the crass over-commercialism of a disney theme park.
Agreed. I loved star wars, including all of the EU which i was obsessed with in elementary/middle school, and the prequels coming out didn’t phase me much. I also enjoy the new movies. However, star wars fans are generally the worst (I don’t care if it’s the minority or not, as it’s what I see and experience).
I would argue that all “bad” fandoms might be a vocal minority of fans, but that the distinction is meaningless, as what matters is what we see/experience, and in the case of star wars, it’s embarrassing and awful fans.
you can get pretty easy and effective cognitive behavioral therapy for that disease, just fyi
Yes, of course it implies someone connected to law enforcement is either involved or just wants the case to hurry up and end.
Even if it’s wrong to say he likes shootouts, I’m not sure how that makes the OP a bigot...
I hope to god your theory is wrong, as that theory is by far the most obvious takeaway after just watching episode 1 or 2. While this show is more about the relationships and such, I still hope figuring out the mystery still plays a huge role and that it wouldn’t be so insanely easy after the first episode or two.
Wait, why did he pay the guy off instead of Asia? She was just as wealthy (and also has more family money).
Come on guys, obvious troll is obvious. Of course this episode, or the entire show, can be validly disliked by people, and it indeed is disliked by many, but there is no way this person knows the author does not legitimately think this deserves an A grade (and that at least hundreds of thousands of people would agree…
In the sense that he has a mental illness that he was unable to beat, sure, that weakens you.
God yes, funniest show currently (well, not now :( ) on tv.
There was definitely blood around the hole
I was so sad last week when they stopped the plane at the very end, even though that obviously needed to happen to continue the show :(
I think this might not be the show for you—-it’s clear they want us to think that at least some of the robots have evolved to become self aware, in such a way that makes them at least as “worthy” of being free and having rights etc. as say, an intelligent extraterrestrial race that comes to visit us.
Do you have any links for that rule?