Kevin Rhodes

Too bad, the Citroen is soo much cooler.

It's not a coupe. It's a 2dr sedan.

The 16V was never available in the 2dr in the US. This car has the right engine for an ‘87, it’s just missing all the Wolfsburg bits - badges, the “P” wheels, original seats, so hard to say whether it really is a Wolfsburg 2dr or not. Otherwise, I agree with you that this car is CP.

I figure a truck is like pornography - hard to define, but you know it when you see it.

Platform sharing a model here and there to fill in holes in the lineup is one thing, what Ford/Lincoln is doing is quite another. EVERY Lincoln is just a tarted up Ford, and I can see no reason to spend the extra when you can get the same thing for less money with a Ford badge. And almost across the board, the Ford

I really love a convertible. On those perfect days when the sun is shining but it is warm but not too hot, there is no traffic, and all is right with the world. The rest of the time they pretty much suck until you get into something like a tin-roof Mercedes SL. Luckily, I DO have the ability to have multiple cars, so

The trouble with the Toyobaru isn’t that it isn’t fast enough, it is that it isn’t FUN enough. The motor delivers a decent amount of power in a very boring and uninteresting way, and the car almost handles too well. A Miata is just a lot more fun.

I take it you have never flown RyanAir? They make Spirit look like one of the Asian airlines. Can be dirt cheap though.

Never forget that the 9/11 terrorists had nothing illegal on them that day. You could have a knife with a 5” blade on an airplane back then.

In 20 years of flying for work 75K-125K a year, I have been though just one really bad turbulence incident. NWA flight on a DC-9, I was in 4D. Which was lucky, because when we hit the clear air turbulence that sent all of the dinners flying, myself and my seatmate had not been served yet! Everyone else in F got a

I have two “fourth cars”, depending on season. In the summer, a ‘74 Triumph Spitfire. In the winter, an ‘01 Range Rover HSE. Both tremendously useful when they are cooperating, but you wouldn’t want either one as your ONLY car. My first two cars are BMWs, so they pretty much always work.

The Mercury Grand Marquis should have had a "de Sade" trim level. Black leather seats and studded seatbelts, of course. Then again, a Grand Marquis is probably punishing enough in any trim level.

And deer. Lots and lots of really, really BIG deer.

A 328i is better than bumming rides. First world problems.

I disagree on the food. At least on American/US Airways, the domestic first class meals are quite good. A little over elaborate for my taste, but plenty tasty. Coach food back in the day, yeah, that sucked.

It’s been done. The big turboprops that Bombardier Q400s have that system. And they are noticeably quieter than any other turboprop I have ever flown on.

A case of two douchebags and three wrongs don’t make a right. As a BMW owner, this sort of thing makes me wish I didn’t like how they drive so much.

And I have four for just me. Still worth it to get exactly what I want when I can justify it.

We have an umbrella liability policy, but we get the damage waiver. Doesn’t matter, gets passed back to the client anyway. Comes to a scary amount of money, considering I drive rentals 80-100 days a year...

Then your state has very different laws than mine. Even a not at fault collision claim - like a hit and run in a parking lot - will at a minimum result in losing any no claims discount for me. And possibly raise the base rate besides. BTDT. I suppose you could argue that losing a discount is not the same as raising