Kevin Rhodes

That is one impressive camera and mount.

With the electro-nannies off you bet it does! The Abarth would be kind of scary in the real world without the ETS. I had a couple of "moments" with mine even with the ETS, but the computers saved the day.

That was the theory, but I think in practice the expense of overhauling them every time negated most of the cost advantage. Probably would have been cheaper to just through them away everytime, and probably an engine designed for single use would be cheaper in the first place. If nothing else, the economies of scale

No my friend, old BMWs might as well be Toyotas in the money sucking department compared to water-cooled Porsches. BTDT, have the t-shirt wrapped around my wallet to staunch the bleeding. Just a whole different realm of parts pricing. And parts needing. And bloody knuckle inducing engine compartments. No experience

This so completely over the top that I can’t help but like it. But mine would probably be the plain-Jane 16 pax version, had I the cash. More friends!

Won't be a problem in Maine, assuming you add lights to it. If you based it on a pre-1995 Miata, you would not even need a title for it. Anything newer and it would get registered as a kit car, you would need a title for the donor car.

I'm old enough that when in the car as a kid with my little brother all we had to entertain ourselves were license plate spotting games, and beating on each other. Quietly, lest we ourselves be beaten by our parents, as that was still a done thing back then. I was very excited the time I spotted one from Hawaii.

The property taxes SUCK though. As do the government services. There ain't no such thing as a free lunch.

I don’t disagree with you about the judge. But the cop was just being a dick to a teenager in a nice car who was driving the flow of traffic speed with three buddies and skies on the roof. 7 over? Really?

The weird thing is that technically that temp plate is not legal in MA. They don’t recognize temp plates from other jurisdictions, and they do not issue any in the state at all. But I have only ever heard of one person who got hassled for it, and I am pretty sure he mouthed off to the cop...

I got a speeding ticket on I-295 in Maine for 62 in a 55 - the day before the speed limit changed to 65. The judge didn't care, of course.

I sold my ‘13 Abarth to them and got a very fair amount for it. Enough for me to not bother to sell it myself anyway. Within $500-1000 of what I could have sold it for privately, and I didn't have to register it again, which would have cost ~$400. $500 to not have to lift a finger other than driving a couple hours?

With a single crappy little allen wrench!

The “heavy” designation has nothing to do with fuel load. It informs ATC that the aircraft is large enough to require more separation from other aircraft due to wake turbulence issues. It is generally used for aircraft with takeoff weights over 300K lbs, with the notable exception of the 757.

I was going to post that Tex Johnson would be soo unimpressed.

I would say being based on a VW doesn't make a Bentley a Bentley either.

I worked as a bank courier one summer in college. 1988. Cars were Ford Escorts, some diesel, some gas. The diesels would go about 500K before they motors died, the gassers about 350K. They were driven in shifts almost 24x7. 150-200K a year. The diesels were better to drive.

Kids these days - no sense of history! ;-)

I actually did pay a friend of mine to sell a car for me. I had a really nice ‘79 Mercedes 300TD that I had my fun with, and was ready to see go. Already had my next project. I would have probably sold the thing for $2K just to get it out of the garage. My friend has flipped a few cars, and did pretty well so we

Just be thankful they have resisted the temptation to make the roundel the size of a dinner plate.