Kevin Rhodes

I can afford one, have owned Alfas in the past and loved them, and the lack of that third pedal kills my interest stone dead. So close and yet so far...

I've owned two salvage title cars and never had the slightest difficulty or even a question about it with insurance. And my state has no particular rules about salvage titles, other than the car has to pass an annual safety inspection just like every other non-antique car in the state. Complete non-issue, and I made

Shops and tire sizes gets ridiculous. My Range Rover came with 255/65-16s on it, which are not a factory size for that truck. I wanted to get 235/75-16 snow tires put on for winter (already had them from my previous Jeep, within 1-2% on circumference) . No, we can't do that, they are too narrow for that truck per our

I am impressed by the fact that not only does it LOOK like an old school bus, it sounds just like one and has similar acceleration too!

Could be worse, in my '11 BMW wagon the lighter socket is vertical up under the glovebox, directly above the passengers left foot. WTF were they thinking!?! Otherwise, the interior is a masterpiece, but that one is just baffling. And it was in the usual place in the pre-facelift cars.

Yes and no. My current classic policy merely states that the car is for pleasure use only, less than 5K a year. They do not define what pleasure use is. And I have to garage the car, have another daily driver, etc. Some companies are more restrictive than others.

This was not the same - that sort of thing is very common here as well. In this case, it was a state cop on the side of the road with 3-4 BIG portable fabric day-glo green signs saying something to the effect of "Aircraft speed enforcement happening right now" And then about 1/2 mile down the road a bunch of cars

Did you miss the part where this conversion was done with brand new parts when the car was brand new in 1996?

Seemed REAALLY stupid that a bunch of people ignored the signs (which were day-glo green and fairly large) and managed to get busted right down the road. I was only going 10 over, and I nailed the brakes as soon as I saw them.

Rental cars seem like an easy mark, since they can bill the agency who will then get their money back from the renters. Hoping the Germans will hide me if necessary!

Weirdly enough, I drove down I-95 through New Hampshire last week and they had signs out saying they were doing speed enforcement from aircraft! And 1/2 mile down the road, a line of cars pulled over. I never did spot the plane. I have NEVER seen that in the US.

Oh man - I did almost the same thing one one of those crazy alpine slides in Hungary about 15 years ago! Didn’t break anything, but took the tip of a finger off and gashed my arm. Bleed like a stuck pig. No matter what, never try to look back on those things -that was my undoing!

How are they about chasing down foreigners for tickets? In my case, I will have my own car with German tourist plates on it, not a rental. Seems like that would be harder for them to try to find me to fine me for camera tickets. I got flashed a couple times on my last Euro trip, nothing ever came of it, hopefully

I’m doing European Delivery on an M235i this summer - taking my Mom, she has never been to Europe. And of course, she wants to go to Rome, so we are going to Rome. I have to admit, I am a tad bit nervous about it. Brand new expensive car that is mine and all. I don’t plan to actually drive in the city other than to

Where are you that cops don't speed? Around here they travel at about .95 Mach, and are still able to spot a 32 days expired inspection sticker from 3 lanes over.

In Maine you just pay the excise tax annually when you register the car, same sticker for both. Would be really annoying if it was something separate. Though if you live in a town that doesn't have MV registration at town hall (not very many), you get to make two trips to register every year - one to town hall to pay

Good grief, what state is that so I can avoid it??

A hole in the cab will fail safety inspection every bit as much as a hole in the frame.

And here in Maine, the GM trucks will get lighter over time! MUCH lighter. Speed holes everywhere!

On the bright side, if the rotors can survive hitting the boom, the more likely scenario of hitting the hose won't be much of a problem. Still kind of amazing that there is enough freedom of movement in the rotor to hit the boom!