Kevin Rhodes

I know a little - "buzzmeg" roughly translates as "holy shit" - it's sort of an all-purpose expletive. My best friend is Hungarian, if I see him tomorrow I'll ask him for a translation of what is really going on, if no one beats me to it.

I'm pretty agnostic - Windows, MacOS, Linux/Unix, they all have their pluses and minuses. Use the right tool for the job at hand, none of them are remotely perfect, and one size does NOT fit all.

And the Air Force Museum in Dayton OH puts Udvar-Hazy to shame. It is about 3X bigger, with construction just started on another gigantic building so they can move all the planes from the remote hanger on-base to the main site.

And ancient Triumph 4s do this as well, because they don't HAVE valve stem seals at all. Oil leaking into the cylinders and burning off is perfectly normal. No cranks seals either, park on a steep hill and you will get a puddle under the car. The joys of the finest 1930s technology.

Not very likely to get clouds of white smoke out of an air-cooled 911.

A car I always loved the looks of. Then I drove one. ZZZZZzzzzzzzzzzzz. The Camry of big sporting coupes.

I have one quibble with this posting. In the snow, a traditional limited slip diff is a two-edged blade. It will help you keep from getting stuck, but it also will help you pull quite unintentional 180s on occasion. The problem is that once you are moving, if you give the wheels too much power, both wheels spin and

And buy the damage waiver.

Drive really slowly and carefully.

I've been using both MacOS and Windows professionally since 1993. My desktop is a Windows box, my current travel laptop is a MacBook Air. I have usually owned both at the same time. So I am intimately familiar with the evolution of both operating systems. Neither is "better" than the other, they both have their uses,

I'm willing to pay an extra $20K to get exactly what I want, and not someone else's sloppy seconds. Hell the biggest reason I am getting an M235i over a 228i is that I can get one with all the toys I want but without a sunroof. I'm effectively paying ~$4K to delete that darned hole in the roof! I bought my last BMW

If you are going to buy a new car every three years, and many people do just that once they are established in life and career, leasing makes perfect sense. The dumb reason to lease is to get more car than you can otherwise afford. Stretching your budget for a car is dumb no matter how you pay for it.

Oh, I think you need to do a little more research on that subject... Start here:

Hilarious. Apple for YEARS charged for what where effectively service pack type upgrades that Microsoft gave away for free. They even charged for upgrades on the iPod Touch for years.

They build the road better for sure, but ultimately it IS narrower and windier. And I have been on sections in the east that were pretty seriously worn out by German standards, and were still de-restricted - surface quality no better than a typical non-urban interstate, and much worse than a recently re-paved one. I

I think the best way to see most of America is out the window of an airplane from 30K ft. They don't call the flyover states for nothing...

Exactly this. If it weren't for the idiot drivers, most US Interstates would be better suited to going fast than the Autobahn. It's the drivers that allow for the higher speeds there, not the road.

In Europe, yes, you would move all the way over, and all the way back if that was the appropriate lane to be in. But if the guy in the middle lane was not going fast enough and impeding traffic like that, more than likely HE would get ticketed for failure to stay right. If you are not actively passing someone, you

The Autobahn is not designed for these sorts of speeds either, just the Germans expect people to use their heads. Many parts of the US Interstate Highway system are FAR better suited to 100+ mph speeds than the Autobahn. The lanes are wider, and the highway is nowhere near as curvy or hilly. There is much less traffic

Having spent quite a lot of time in Hungary, having a supercar hurtle past me at 200mph would not really be THAT unexpected. Hungarian drivers in general make the Italians seem like the Swiss... I have seen MUCH worse things in that country, especially 25 years ago when the main highway to Vienna was a "suicide lane"