
I think you're mistaken about the Manny Pacquiao gag… he IS a Filipino legislator, in addition to a boxer.

I guess it is foolish to expect a politican to know the facts before taking such an adamant stance on something…

Looks like this homophobe doesn't even realize this cover was NOT part of the iTunes giveaway, but rather, an alternate cover designed to look like an LP pressing was. The Mullen-and-son cover was introduced after the giveaway period for physical and digital copies.

Bottles of water have always been $2 at Coachella. Sooooo… not really overpriced.

Is this really the best they could do? Including "Where the Streets Have No Name", but excluding "Who Let the Dogs Out"?

HAD to apologize is a bit of an overstatement (among many in this article). Bono received a question from a fan during a Facebook Q&A about the album and apologized for offending the person. But he isn't apologizing to the public for the promotion.

I hope part 2 has the most glaring example of songs sounding similar: The Black Eyed Peas' "I Gotta Feeling" and Snow Patrol's "Open Your Eyes"?…

I hope we can at least agree this album has much more artistic merit than The Endless River, whose existence I am still incredulous about after listening to. And this is coming from a Pink Floyd fan.

Silicon Valley isn't on this list? Huge fail.

Why has nobody heard the The 2 Bears' new record? "Not This Time" is one of the best songs of the year.

I don't agree with their decision to do the iTunes promotion, I could have told you this reaction was coming. But boy, you're being a drama queen about free music.

I resent the pissy attitude of this article. Every band in the world goes on tour to support an album, and it's business as usual. U2 does it, and they're selfish money-grubbers.

Technically, it was the half-season finale.

The Elevation was not among their last 2 tours. Those would be the Vertigo and 360 Tours.

How about that string section cover of Metallica's "Nothing Else Matters" that played during the episode?

Simpsons reference is very timely, and very funny.

Who in their right mind would put up with True Blood for more than a single episode, let alone 7 (?) seasons?

Is the entire collection of this series' episodes among the trash that needs to be taken out?