You're in luck-Peter Morgan said Diana would be INTRODUCED near the end of Season 3, but wouldn't become a major focus until Seasons 4 and 5.
You're in luck-Peter Morgan said Diana would be INTRODUCED near the end of Season 3, but wouldn't become a major focus until Seasons 4 and 5.
Apparently, this is the screenplay that originally put Allen Loeb on the map years ago.
I had to watch the documentary for a class in college. I laughed inappropriately on more than a few occasions. I had trouble deciding my favorite parts-the part where the Universe's law of attraction is visualized as a genie or that one of the talking heads involved is identified in a caption as a "Visionary".
"The Happening" is a first-rate example of that. Mark Wahlberg and Zoey Deschanel are both naturally energetic and dynamic actors who M. Night Shymalan directs into cardboards cutouts. It's perhaps telling that the most affecting performance in that movie comes from John Leguizamo, an actor who can easily be…
For what it's worth, he was supposed to play the male lead in Rob Marshall's "Nine" but left due to exhaustion.
Brad Pitt's character has been described as "slightly autistic". Oy. If you're going to make a character be on the spectrum, just do it. They did it in Power Rangers, for God's sake… and it WORKED! Saying "slightly autistic" reeks of Big Bang Theory-style hedging of bets.
Why doesn't anybody else remember "In the Valley of Elah"?
It'll depend a lot on what time period most of it takes place in, of course, but older Desi Arnaz has a bit of a Javier Bardem thing going on
True story: before doing "Citizen Kane" Orson Welles wanted to make an espionage farce based on the novel "Smiler With a Knife" by Cecil Day-Lewis (yes, Daniel Day-Lewis's father) with Lucille Ball in the lead, but he was turned down because the suits at RKO considered her a C-list actress with no comedic talent.
So what you're saying is the next logical step is for them to get Max Landis to lead the Writer's Room?
I revisited some episodes of "Buzz Lightyear of Star Command". The show really holds up. Gotta wonder why so few people talk about it nowadays.
The attempt at a reboot in 1965 with Henry Silva was obviously trying to ape the Bond movies' style and structure, but the low budget and lazy characterization/storytelling meant it turned out to be pretty much a disaster.
"Mr. Moto in Danger Island" is the best one. Warren Hymer's performance as Lorre's galoot sidekick in that movie is a masterclass in comic relief acting.
Lorre helped establish lots of the familiar spy movie tropes in the "Mr. Moto" series, too.
Isn't "Septopussy" the porn parody of "Arrival"?
Yup. "House of Cards" did.
That's "Ip Man 2". And it gets better… in "Ip Man 3", he fights MIKE TYSON.
They've tried a few times… a movie was announced as having been in development by Warner Bros in 2013, but I don't think it's moved beyond the script development stage (possibly because the studio has decided to focus more on fare like the DCEU and "King Arthur: Legend of the Sword").
Mawran Kenzari has got the "Hot Jafar" thing down pretty good, I'd think…