
Believe it or not, he also gave a well-recieved performance as Franz Liebkind in an L.A. stage production of "The Producers".

More people need to be watching "Underground". It's as good as anything on TV right now. In a fair world it would turn Jurnee Smollett-Bell and Alano Miller into superstars. The show's direction is kick-ass, too.

It's not a miniseries. Fuller has made it clear they have plans for multiple seasons.

Well, he's signed on to co-star with Michael Keaton in "American Assassin", so he must be up and moving at least.

Here's the thing, though… It works both ways. To watch "Office" I had to special order a blu ray from Hong Kong, but I could have bought "Dragon Blade" the day of its release from Wal-Mart Most foreign movies that show up in American theatres were at least partly intended for an international audience. But they don't

Yelchin himself said that he could have done an authentic Russian accent of he wanted to, but wanted to pay tribute to the original series.

If you think Hollywood is wrong for trying to appeal to international audiences, or that Chinese audiences are some sort of threat to your enjoyment of movies, that is xenophobia.

It's not xenophobia if you're being snarky!

That's because the 10 minutes of satire bookended two hours of cliched action.

I don't know if anybody else here is reading the new "Mighty Morphin Power Rangers" comic book series by Boom Studios, but it does a really good job of grounding the characters and taking their issues seriously while still keeping it colorful and fun.

The movie isn't about people being put in peril. It's about the uncertainty about what might happen when Alton gets to his destination.

That's based on the assumption that he was not deserving.

I'm just struck by the fact that that opening sentence is a complete grammatical trainwreck… I STILL don't understand what it means. It's as if it came from an automatic AV Club snark generator filled with memes and pop culture references.

Or "they both love the character".

Ludd was right, dammit! Down with technology!

I love how you assume actors look down on mocap (because pixels are involved?). I'd like to imagine an actor like Rylance sees it as a way to expand his horizons.

It's an A.A. Dowd review… You can't expect it to not make a conscious effort to be #edgy.

For some reason, many people reject being 'manipulated' into feeling positive or sad emotions. Any other ones they're fine ("Fight Club" is one of the most manipulative movies ever made and people love it for it), but make them sad and they'll treat it as a violation.

Armored suits have existed in pop culture LONG before 2007. The suits don't actually look dissimilar to the versions from the first movie, only more metallic.

It has already been reported that Miles Morales will be the main character: