Shotgun Stories.
Shotgun Stories.
Crimson Peak was pretty explicitly a romantic melodrama. It just happened to have ghosts and murder in it.
I've often described Nicolas Cage as the reverse Brando. While Brando would often phone it in even with good material, Nic Cage always gives 110%, no matter how far beneath him the movie is.
Yeah, yeah, I know it's popular to rip on anything Nic Cage touches, but I'm genuinely impressed by how well-made this movie looks. Seems like Mario Van Peebles has made a good old-fashioned adventure/survival story based on true events.
You know, if the same joke were only allowed to be made once, there'd be maybe six comments on this article.
Well, "The Birth of a Nation" is coming out in October, so you have half your wish.
[ ] "Isn't it hilarious that I'm deliberately miscasting this role based on recent pop culture"
[ ] Gratuitous MCU bashing
[ ] knee-jerk accusations of Oscar Bait
[ ] "That's right, Frank Stallone"
It's definitely better than most of Bay's output, but that doesn't make it good. Mostly, Bay can't help getting in his own way… the "soldiers GOOD! Bureaucrats BAD!" theme being bumped up to hilarious levels, the numbing pace of the action, the fact that the heroes would say things like "This will only end if they…
You can tell you're being funny because you clearly believe the exact opposite!
Considering how often WB/DC stated that they were trying to distinguish themselves from Marvel by preserving the freedom of their directors, yes, this is indeed dire news.
I think it was Justin Chang who suggested the movie be turned into a "Before…"- style trilogy, and I fully support the idea. Maybe one on Election Night and another before one of his major speeches (Newtown, maybe?).
I don't think that was the case… it just happened to be that Michael Douglas as Ronnie and Jane Fonda as Nancy (in "The Butler") were announced at around the same time.
This is the movie that needs an expert control of tone if it's going to be pulled off correctly. Go too broad and you risk playing Dementia for laughs, something that is bad taste writ large. Go too safe and you'll lose the wealth of satiric material that could come from the idea of people manipulating Reagan for…
Generally speaking, the people who crusade against "PC Culture" aren't REALLY anti-censorship… they just think the wrong people are being censored.
It fell through due to budgetary issues. Real shame, since the story is definitely worth telling, and Michael Douglas as Reagan is delightfully counter to what Conservatives would want.
Now we can how good he is when he's not just rearranging other peoples material.
Reminds me of when Sean Connery said that if anything were to bring him back to acting it'd be a new Indiana Jones movie, but he turned it down anyway because he was having far too much fun being retired.
"She’s also appeared on Parks And Recreations, Nashville, Sesame Street, and iCarly"