
“We’ll just have to wait another three days for someone to pull off this awesome trick.”

the important thing is that you told us.

from your link:

Those 1,800 children are not missing. Here is a link to a twitter thread. If you don’t want to read it, the gist of it is:

If video games are not allowed to depict all possible parts of the Human Condition, the video games can never be considered art.

people want to be cool


people were complaining about that too, do you live under a rock?

What an utterly punchable face

keep whistling past that graveyard

keep whistling past that graveyard

We don’t call it “Chuck E. Government Cheese” for nothing.

but these folks are rarely-to-never filled with rage over it, they either find other ways to feel fulfilled or they keep looking until they find their community.

I love how for woke people, a “vibrant” neighborhood must occasionally be watered with the blood of young black people.

Doesn’t care; writes 900 word article about how much he doesn’t care