Mexico was stolen land as well, but you’re will to give them a get out of jail free card because they were brown.
Mexico was stolen land as well, but you’re will to give them a get out of jail free card because they were brown.
You are an evolutionary dead end
Sander’s policies would objectively benefit poor minorities more then the policies of any other candidate, and you are getting mad because of phrasing. Congrats for once again making The Root the /pol/ of kinja.
“The polysyllabic, jawlineless serial sayer of stupid shit, semiprofessional shucker, vapid brandisher of big words,”
China doesn’t have White Guilt. Your bullshit won’t work on them.
HAHAHAHA eat shit
Wear whatever you want to wear and stop caring about what the authors of lazy, rushed think-pieces want you to not wear
Kotaku writer Nathan Grayson is trying to get a competing website delisted from Steam because he doesn’t like their politics.
“Colorism/white western beauty standards” Once again, dark skin is looked down on everywhere because it makes you look like a poor person who works outside. It’s been that way long before America existed
MUH COLONIALISM People across the world don’t like dark skinned people because having dark skin makes you look like a hick. It’s been that way for thousands of yeas.
“hating dark skin is as American as apple pie”
that’s some quality oppression Olympics you got going there
But some, I assume, are good people
nice poverty fetishism
big if true