
The one and only reason Trump won is because liberals in swing states wouldn’t vote. Not couldn’t; wouldn’t.

The scarlet pinchernell

Don’t even fucking start.

if the colonists had stayed, you would have good internet

you overpaid for something for the “experience.” congrats, you are a gentrifier.

If you actually cared about “poor” people instead of pretending to, you would notice that bodega prices are marked up, and that putting in more supermarkets would help them far more than you hating a vending machine.

Also, what happen to the narrative that people need to adapt to new technology? Or does that only count

I am posting this for a specific reason. Please think about what it might be before responding.

How am I supposed to take you seriously when you talk about police shootings, when you label kids getting killed in your neighborhood “shenanigans”

“don’t talk shit if you can’t take shit”

Perry is an embarrassment to:

So was Gandhi.

everyone grades everyone on a curve