
He’s brown and Muslim ergo he’s completley inocent of being stupid or his father of being a con man because He’s brown and Muslim

Tranqs: don’t work instantly, can kill you


it’s like trying to break into the stand-up craze in 1998

It’s almost like making money off of streaming was a faddish trend and was never a realistic career goal.

It’s almost like making money off of streaming was a faddish trend and was never a realistic career goal.

nobody cares

Or, even better, Florida’s Marissa Alexander, who was sentenced to 20 years in prison for firing a warning shot at her abusive husband.

Now playing

“First of all, you don’t “sing” the song, you rap it.”

As I’m sitting here, laboriously typing this all out to you, I just want to scream THIS WOULDN’T BE AN ISSUE IF WE JUST LEGALIZED THE POT.

/Ask someone what their opinion is. . .