Mormon Nailer

Hey Noel,
Not bringing up Kirsty MacColl was the proper way to go.

Frankenstein is about how awful it would be if men were to give birth. Or something like that I learned in college.

This review pretty much hits the mark. Maybe I'd give it a C+ out of my sentimental attachment for Universal monsters. I was surprised it was an R because they seem to cut away a little too quickly from some of the gorier images in a way that seems almost quaint. Not quite enough of the dark and goth for the

Beavis' Revenge
The sixties collectivist dream of pop music as a catalyst for social change is (thankfully) over.

Trivia Segue…
EC artist Jack Kamen is the father of Segway brainiac Dean Kamen.

I'm to the left of Che Guevara but I listen to Limbaugh pretty often and I think Michael Savage's insane rants are the most entertaining thing on the radio (it's OK, he's been vetted by the "New Yorker.") The world doesn't need Air America when it has MSNBC and NPR. Air America was a snooze-fest from the get-go. I

And I thought I was the only one that thought that…
Great piece Mr. D'Angelo. I have some minor qualms with your premise, mainly that "Metropolis" is very awe-inspiring for the visuals alone. Which is more than can be said of any number of "essential" silent films that are shoved down your throat in film history

I had to Google "AVADAH" to figure out what the hell you guy were talking about.

Yeah, the air traffic controller bit might be reaching a tad too high to sell his "I'm just a regular Joe Sixpack" angle. Maybe he was being jokey, but flying around in your own plane (or helicopter) isn't really high on the list of regular-guy experiences. A cool interview just the same. Good, smart questions. I'd

Diamond Dave and the Decline of Civillization
I always thought Roth's "Borscht-Belt meets glam" shtick was amusing. I don't know if I'd sit next to him on the bus but still… I like to think of him as the "Brady Bunch Variety Hour" of rock and roll. And [Van Halen sans Roth/Roth sans Van Halen] is a good example of

The tag "Noise" is a bit misleading for some acts and quite appropriate for others. A lot of aspiring musicians will see a band like the Boredoms and think it's just random scraping noises, easily replicated. Try sitting through some of them and you'll see how they miss the point. Then see the Boredoms live and you'll

I finally took the Halo plunge for most of last weekend. I'm not a hardcore gamer type and I have had little experience with the X-Box. Halo's look and feel were startling and impressive. Still, while I'm nice and happy spending hours with even less sophisticated FPS, I found Halo got old pretty fast. It sort of

I agree about some of the T2 f.x. looking a tad screwy by contemporary standards. Is this going to happen with "Avatar"? You would think "Jurassic" would have the same problem, but (to me anyway) it still holds up quite well visually. Like a Harryhausen film does… even though you know you're looking at a bunch of

I concur. That is very cool.

Recently found "Dice Rules" in the $3 bin at the pawn shop. It's him in his glory days in front of a sold-out crowd at the Garden…it's preceded by an excruciatingly long vanity film where Dice gets to show his comedic "range."

"Over the Edge" had a rockin' soundtrack too. Hendrix, Cheap Trick etc.

Hanging out with Marmaduke
Marmaduke is just like any other teenager - walking around naked with his penis hanging out.

I look at Ghostbuster as a bit of a goal post in special effects. One of the last big studio things has no digital fingerprints on it at all. Right after, things started getting more fancy.

Georgia Engel
Why the hatin' on Georgia Engel? She was always guaranteed to steal whatever scene she was in on the Mary Tyler Moore Show. Alas, I can not name a single thing she did other than MTM but she is comedy gold.

Georgia Engel
Why the hatin' on Georgia Engel? She was always guaranteed to steal whatever scene she was in on the Mary Tyler Moore Show. Alas, I can not name a single thing she did other than MTM but she is comedy gold.