Tech Writer in Colorado

You say it’s not a VW, but I finally understood the TT when I saw parked in a row: a ‘67 Bug, a ‘70-ish Karmann Ghia, a ‘99 New Beetle, and a 2000 TT.

Always wanted one. Never willing to actually spend money on one, though.

He deflated the (umm, companion?) first.

Bad UX! I really don’t want to quit reading this column, but I’m running out of patience. I enjoy Rob’s column daily, but I absolutely refuse to read any other Jalopnik content. I’ve told my Google news feed to stop serving them to me.

Bad Bermuda Cruise?


This car is iconic. I’m not an over-the-moon Corvette fan, but everything about this car makes me want it!

And if you can never get rid of your Audi, you can rig a ramp into the large mouth of the crusher.

Useful for...
doing my best to avoid thinking about the climax of Fargo.

Excellent example of a mediocre car. I agree with your summation and voted NP for the same reason. For someone who wants a Concours D'Elegance mid-70s Nova, this may well be the only one out there. And there may be as many as 1 buyer for it. 

Been there, doing that. I bought a 93 300CE Cabriolet that had spent 6 years in a barn. for $3800. Two days worth of work, and I drove it from CA to CO. Then a head gasket.

But can you get a prenup when buying a Maserati?

I’m with you. This looks like a clean conversion, done with lots of care and maybe even some decent re-engineering. However, it’s still a mid-80s Pontiac 6000. 

I’m finding rebuilt AW30-43 transmissions on line with most of of them falling into the $1100 to $1400 range. Knock 1K off the price, and I’d drive to NO to pick it up tomorrow. 

You don't have to run as fast as possible, a brisk jog should be enough to outpace this car.

I shipped my Mercedes 300CE for $790. It IS possible to find decent deals on reputable shippers.

Your analysis of the price is dead on. I DO want this car, but it needs to be about $15,000 lower before I could even consider endangering my marriage for it (reason enough to be glad it’s overpriced).

Please buy it and save me from the temptation. My marriage might not withstand the purchase of another German convertible!

3. I’m going to die on this hill. Pop up headlights are dumb and they make an already pretty silly car look even more silly. 

It IS a beautiful car. I just have no clue how to value something like this.