
If you see another way around it, I'm all ears. Personally, I do not. I don't see how in a centralized government that's highly oppressive you could show a "white separatist" movement. It would make even less sense, imo, for the gov. to be completely okay with brutal gendered oppression, but only some of them

No of course not. This specific episode just drew me to that particular association. It's very hard to give Islamic fundamentalism a justifiable critique when the reasonable objections have been taken over by foaming-at-the-mouth Islamophobia. So it feels, to me at least, like one has to embrace it whole-heartedly for

"No one loves Dick Whitman"

Frederick Douglass - there's a guy who's getting more and more appreciation.

4 years later, thanks for sharing this. I hope (and I'm fairly certain) Weiner saw this, and others who worked on the show, and I'm sure it meant as much if not more to them as it did to me. Not sure anyone can aspire to much more than this when it comes to creating something people deeply connect with. I'm sure this

I wrote this up before the final scene with the Ambassador, but I think it still mostly holds up:

Do you think the show is sexist? It's all about women, the star of the show is a woman, and is incredibly empathetic and sympathetic to the struggles of women under all patriarchal systems. The show is deeply feminist, I think. To add in the racial component on top of *this* show, one centered around one white woman

He's not really wrong, but it's hard to believe a society that is so brutally patriarchal won't have some other ideas about "us and them" belief systems, namely white supremacy. It's happened throughout the entire history of majority-white nations, so the idea that a nation would be so ass-backwards in one way and not

Scrawler! I have to say I've been rewatching all of Mad Men, and your posts have always been greatly insightful and illustrative. It's wild how much worse the sexism was in the comment threads even 2 or 3 years ago (not that it's particularly great now.)

That's very possible, even probable. That being said, though it seemed like she was insinuating rape (because that's what our mind goes to when a woman on TV talks about being plied with alcohol as a young girl by soldiers), she was saying they got her very drunk before she shot the Soviet prisoners.

If I spelled it correctly, it would be encoded into the text, invisible. Ydyot.

Wow nice call

Wow nice call

basic html code, but instead of "i" or whatever you put spoiler <spoyler></spoyler>

I love the story of how Bob discovered their reel, and they had included an invoice for the cost of the disc and shipping in the package.

what song was that? i liked it.

Me too! I do think he pulls off the Draper inner turmoil in general.

She came from a small town and is now marrying someone she met at 18, the only dude she's ever been with. That's a lot. She shouldn't have been doing what she did, but I don't think it was out of calculus or some instinct to "use" anyone. And it's clear by the ending she did end up with Dev.

Ah that makes sense. I mean the fact he did such a lengthy homage to The Bicycle Thief is no coincidence. He's clearly all in on the neorealist approach to casting.

Not like things are much better in the comments these days, but the sexism in this entire thread is fucking unreal. Not your intent but it's like a Freudian exploration of mommy issues/implicit sexism up in here.