Felt very Bergman-esque to me, sorta like The Passion of Anna mixed with Through a Glass Darkly. He was so good at capturing the raw, animalistic side of human beings.
Felt very Bergman-esque to me, sorta like The Passion of Anna mixed with Through a Glass Darkly. He was so good at capturing the raw, animalistic side of human beings.
No but there have been a few rappers on that show too (including Riz Ahmed himself!)
Is that the therapist? Holy shit. I would have pegged her for late 30s
God the lollipop fixation REALLY bothers me and turned me off on Dom tonight, if you'll pardon the phrase.
Dude both shows were garbage from the get go. The Night Of has already proven itself capable of reaching heights both of those shows couldn't even see.
They do when they have an absurd amount of evidence for a conviction. In that scenario a DA is much more inclined to let sleeping dogs lie.
I'm sorry this show is MUCH better than The Killing. Both versions of that show were hot garbage.
Oh I thought it was lingering on the drawer itself - it was full of nail polish, all of them different shades of red.
Sounds like you haven't spent a lot of time in New York.
There are eczema socks too. The goal is to keep feet dry as possible but yeah, they're not really adhering to the real world on this aspect. Which is fine.
Eh, not for public consumption. Light enough to only be in jail for 2 days but heavy enough for a lengthy trial. All behind me now, though.
As someone who's been to jail (one not nearly as rough as rikers, thank god), this rang sooooo true to me. Besides OITNB, pretty much every show portrays every inmate as some crazed criminal with zero empathy.
Clockers is such a good movie
As someone with eczema, this plot line has been very confusing to me. Why doesn't he have any prescription ointments? It's bizarre; judging by his place he can obviously afford a doctor. Seeing him buy OTC stuff last ep was quite annoying.
Scrawler, you're killin it in the comments tonight my friend. Appreciate your contributions
God don't remind me. So disgusting
Naz wasn't searched, it was the dude with the cell phone up his ass.
Guy complaining about the quality of writing by using the word "stupider" is probably not the most reliable arbiter of quality