
I guess the question is, when are those $35k electrical cars going to be available?

I agree with David on this one. In this world of clickbait headlines, his headline was amazingly truthful.

It’s a strange world where America spins a failed attempt to save children, as being somehow villainous.

I don’t remember Tesla advertising top-of-the-line Model 3s as in the $30k’s.

But it KINDA FUCKING WORKS, don’t it?

Exactly. You know how police need to have their radar/laser guns calibrated? —Well, what about their cruiser speedometers? I mean, those things usually come from the factory with a bit of bias, showing a higher speed than real speed. My guess is nobody calibrates that shit.

Same thing happened to me in TX. There was a cop slowing traffic down, going under the speed limit. So, I very gradually ever-so-slowly passed him while staring at my speedo. My speedo read 45 in a 45, which more than likely meant I was actually traveling 43 or so. He immediately pulled me over and wrote a ticket for

Well said, Maiysha. You nailed this whole article and pinpointed the error in the Forbes story, all while remaining true to Kylie’s actual accomplishments.

You are aware that white people also voted Obama into office and re-elected him by a similar majority.

Welp you heard it, white people. Everybody out of Haiti. We’re all guilty by associated skin color. Put down your shovel or math book and head out of there. The Haitians can take it from here. I’m sure the $13B Haiti got in Aid after the earthquake was mostly from black countries.

Because North Carolina.

Wait, is slapping a camera out of a teenager’s hand assault? Because if it is, I’m planning to assault the hell out of my kids.

Am I the only one that is confused about why people call Elon Musk an asshole? His responses seem pretty measured and logical to me. The guy isn’t a superhuman obviously but seems pretty scientific and rational and calm in his approach.

Need you to proofread my jokes at work as well. Tired of always misspelling the Holocost.

Thanks for the obvious article, Raphael. Now can you delete it so none of the few literate DMV officers in Florida see this.

Much respect to Lisa Cupid for her composure and measured response in the face of ignorant trash lady employing the logical causal fallacy.

Here in GA, a surviving spouse doesn’t inherit debt. Any assets in the name of the deceased would be liquidated and debts would be paid from that, but if the deceased was still in the red, the debt would be written off at the financial institution.

I don’t want to live in a world where I have to use one of these.

So glad someone here gets it.

What financial institutions are giving out 700k loans for an artificial government invention called a “medallion” to people earning low wages? This whole story doesn’t make sense to me.