
I completely agree with everything you said Brad, after experiencing the new F80 M3, I actually miss the 135i which was so much less expensive, more usable fun, and didn’t yearn to be in a jail cell.

I like how nobody offered the obvious choice of the Mitsubishi Lancer Evo or Subuaru WRX. I guess it’s because of the cheap interior? Whatever.

Thank you for reminding us what racism looks like.

Wish I got a dollar every time a man uses his words to manipulate a younger women into sleeping with him. I’d be paying myself quite a lot of money.

Here’s my hypothesis: Statistically you could correlate suicide rates with drug use, more strongly than you could correlate depression/bi-polar/anxiety with drug use.

I think a lot of people fail to recognize the connection between drug use and suicide. Even happy chipper people who get into hard drugs have been known to kill themselves when the drugs wear off. It’s not really pre-meditated, it’s just the sudden hit with an enormous feeling of “being down” and add that to the

Lol you run out of puppies to kick?

I came here expecting miles of polarizing hateful comments but all I got was calm, rational common sense. What the fuck is this world coming to?

Exactly. It doesn’t make any goddam sense!

The bride grabs her boobs then looks further down. Maybe the joke is in how unspecific it was? Obviously it has something to do with the mom changing her mind or wanting to dig in deeper.

Oh. Yeah I guess that’s like 5% more joke-like in nature.

I just looked at a photo of Beyonce. Turns out, she has very light skin.

If I had a dollar for every time a girl consented to being in a relationship with a guy who manipulated her using his words.... uh I’d have $ billions of dollars.

Am I the only one who doesn’t even get the joke? Is the punchline that the mom just noticed the bride’s insufficient breast size? I’m so confused.

As someone who lives just down the street from the Trap House, I can tell you that the situation is chaotic. There’s no parking at the Trap House so people are coming from all over Atlanta and parking at the nearby businesses, which have very tiny lots and it’s hurting their businesses.

I had a ‘93 which I believe came with McPherson struts, better than the ‘91 model but still it did push a bit, similar to a Miata. The fix for me, was TEIN coilovers, a set of sway bars, and some Toyo Proxes tires. After that, the car was a little maniac that loved to turn.

There’s a saying in the pilot community, “When one engine goes out, the other engine is only good to take you to the scene of the crash.”

Cue the god lovers who feel so threatened by rational thought that they launch a pre-emptive strike on common sense.

Let me first state that I think it’s great if the LGBTQ flag represented everybody of every race, creed, sexual orientation, etc. This would be particularly helpful in transitioning black communities to supporting gay rights issues because there would be more feeling of inclusion.

You bring up a good point about manipulating viewpoints. I’m no history expert but I kind of assume the “black on black crime” phrase was actually invented by black civil rights leaders, as a way to address black communities about the crime within the community, without sounding like their white political counterparts.