
Man sexism in America is almost as systemic and palpable as racism. Are u kidding me. The level of heat she received from that WOULD NOT have been the same if a man did it and THAT is the root of the problem. I have always found her amusing (not paying for her concert or book tho) but I am 100% on Team Kathy after

I laugh at anyone dumb enough to bring up a Kobe better than Lebron argument. The only thing Kobe did better was shoot the jumper....but wait...if Lebron shot as much as Kobe he would score more than Jordan!

Like........BOOM! What the eff is that?????

Cant star this enough

Yo.......On point like a muh!

Side eye to anyone rocking with Kanye from now draw a line sometime. Come on people.....too soon????

Thanx Blaq, good to see US always willing to learn! Since we are already off topic....thoughts on Cosby?

Bruh why you trying to blow me up???? But to answer your question....non sequiturs, hackneyed, immolating, abnegation, vacuous and simulacrum. Guess I’m prone to exaggeration like Sarah Huckabee Sanders.

LMAO at the “lets not talk about Melo” line. All my pre season arguments with cats with me raging about how Melo could still do this and that.......praying none of my homies bring that ish up.

Damn Freak, I think you proved your point lmao

Bruh.............despite having to look up over 20 words in this joint, I was totally mesmerized by the article. We live in a truly strange time.


This Ninja heard that spoon rattling on the cup looooooooooong time ago. Its a shame, what that UNCF commercial used to say............


I am as big an anti-gun guy as you can find...but really. Someone...anyone who has a problem with this is reaching. Come on man!

Not to make everything about race..........BUT......the young kid whose celebration didn’t seem to be too outlandish to me, is ahmm a POC. IJS....maybe deep down JV does have issues with minorities. Not accusing just making an observation.

You right Nunna, you couldn’t pay me to get near that ooze

Nawwww, according to all the MJ acolytes Lebron only plays on superteams. Man this cast is marginally better than the 2007 Cavs. Hell bring back Boobie Gibson, he’s only 33 years old!

Matter eater lad.....Kudos and I’m so embarrassed that I got that reference...what a nerd

I would pay to see you hit fake homeboy in the mouth with a bow and have him bleed out all over the court