
Figley, Red Panda’s agent, is offering a $2,000 reward for the return of the unicycle.

It depends on Apple’s implementation. This explains why AMD is not affected by Meltdown but Intel is, because they implemented x86-64 differently.


Cause German-Japanese alliances always win.

My commute is 125 miles

Couldn’t this whole situation have been avoided had he called and informed the police in the first place?

The games should be played earlier for both the players and fans. And the championship should be on a Saturday. Same with the Superbowl. Forcing me to go to work tired and hungover isn’t cool.

Ump: Inside corner, strike three! You’re out!

Kinda surprised that Pitt players aren’t getting paid, as bricklayers usually have a strong union, amirite?

My thoughts on this are that if you don’t have enough gas to make it clear through NJ without stopping, you done fucked up.

From what I’ve been told (full disclosure: information from dealerships, so take it with a grain of salt), it’s due to water-based paint that carmakers now have to use.

fucking legalese on Jalopnik? What’s next saying that FWD is awesome?

Have you ever seen the dressed weight of the 4.0? About 600lbs. The genII viper 8.4 engine weighed about 650lbs.

Why do people who clearly hate NYC click on articles about it?

The TL has always been my favorite Acura model (except for NSX of course, which I can’t afford).

I hope you don’t wear jeans. My old boss had a Model S with white seats and it got blue jean marks all over the seats.

Great story. Thanks for sharing. Hopefully someday your boy will understand what a legend Dick was.

A couple of years ago my son and I were killing time while my wife was getting her hair done. We were walking towards a Starbucks to get the boy a chocolate milk when I spotted Dick freaking Enberg walking at us towards the door of the Starbucks as well. I slowed down so that Dick and his assistant would reach the

Stuff like this is why I love deadspin commenters. Sharon’s wig is groovy; what all the sixties hip Vulcan chicks were wearing. Dick is a total square, but that was a big part of his appeal. It was just earnest no-bullshit before no-bullshit was a thing. It sounded to me that he was always smiling while he spoke.

That’ll be written on his Tombstone.