
Yeah, I don’t know what exactly they are on about, This was a very interesting article, and Jason as always, you are one of the few shining beacons among game journalism, You really are fantastic... now please approve this so I can comment on this site lol

Play stupid games, win stupid prices... The ban should be upheld. He needs to learn now that actions have consequences.

what is this pending approval?

Don’t get me wrong, you could not pay to me play fornite, but when all is said and done, it is a very “important” games, because it truly is changing gaming forever, for better or worse....

You are confusing really popular and successful for important, important to me, means, a game that subverted the expectations of what a game is/can be, and had a profound effect on how others create games. Skyrim did not do any of the latter. Really great game, but when you are done, do you really take any of it with

I am going to megacon in orlando as well! If i see any star wars cosplay i will just start yelling Koto!!!!!! Okay maybe i wont do that, but i get to see Jay and Silent Bob Get Old, im so psyched, have fun!!