
FYI, this is not a new flight sim. This is a new aircraft module for a continually evolving flight sim that has been around for many years.

Not at all. It was an extremely common problem in early PlayStations.

No need to miss it. It still exists. :)

“unless there’s a hidden movie” 

Not liking certain aspects of a product does not justify theft of that product, no.

Sarcasm. That was sarcasm, not irony. :)

I have a HyperSpin installation on my PC with thousands of games from dozens of systems installed, and a variety of arcade sticks and controllers with which to play those games, and I still want a SNES classic.

The European/Australasian SNES and Japanese Super Famicom are among the most beautiful consoles of all time.

The concept of free speech is that someone won’t be persecuted by their government for their beliefs. It does not mean that anyone can say anything without consequence.

I don’t think anyone is claiming that PewDiePie has no right to say what he said. They’re simply saying the he’s a racist for saying what he said.

That was your point? You probably should have used different words then, as that’s not the point I get from reading your comment. :)

Unless you have a modified one, your frontlight is busted.

I would say that if it feels like Call of Duty to you, it’s because you’re playing it like it’s Call of Duty. Equip the grappling hook and pretend the floor is lava. It won’t feel like CoD for long. :)

I’m just now setting up my brand new PS4 (my first one).

If you can’t publish an article without including a spoiler in the title, maybe don’t publish the article at all then? I think it’s extremely disrespectful to your readers.

“Do you actually think some of the kids that play PUBG know the difference between right and wrong?”

I honestly can’t tell if you’re being disingenuous or you’re not very smart.

For some people, anything short of glowing praise equals hate.

In the air to air arena, yes. It was designed as an air supremacy fighter. The F-35 is a far more capable aircraft in the air to ground arena, as it was designed to be.

“Why? Because Nintendo”

Not unless you buy it, no. You sold your ownership of MWR when you sold IW.