
“Three times as much is still only about half of what the original Battlefront 2 had.”

““Machete Order” posits that people should watch A New Hope and Empire, then the prequels, and then Return of the Jedi, which is all essentially just to preserve the Vader-is-Luke’s father reveal. Some people even drop The Phantom Menace entirely.”

“Coming to PC”

“The guy simply isn’t that funny to be honest.”

IW has a very enjoyable campaign, but it has awful multiplayer maps.

Star Wars Battlefront II is the first single-player Star Wars game since the 2012 masterpiece Kinect Star Wars”

“Each ship will have a unique roll”

What do you mean? I just checked ebay and there are several available for each system for which it was released.

Has it been a while since you played the Gears games on XB1? The issues you’re describing did exist initially, but were resolved via updates (to the emulators, not the games). All Gears games run fine now (at least as well as they did on 360 hardware).

Okay, I see what you’re saying.

“That only applies to Xbox 360 games ON Xbox 360 (so a backwards compatible Xbox 360 game on Xbox One is lost when you cancel Gold).

Did the author express surprise at the size of the boxes? Besides, this is more about the art & design of the inlays than the boxes themselves.

I don’t think Scorpio is a replacement, but an additional model in the range. Although I’m sure the vanilla XB1 will ultimately be discontinued before Scorpio is.

The lag *was* bad. Thanks to an update or two last year, it is considerably better now.

“Western Super NES”

That’s more than enough space for the entire NES library of games.

Like others, it took me a couple of weeks to get used to them. Using them is now completely second nature (I use all four, BTW). I don’t ever want to use a standard controller again.

“jokingly badmouth”