
Up front declaration: when I squint, and forget all the shit he did prior to 2008, Biden seems to be not so bad of a guy. The lesser half of probably the best Presidency of my lifetime. I will likely never be able to distance my thoughts about him from my thoughts about the Obama administration, which did worlds of

The one offering free college, Healthcare and all the nice platitudes with no way to pay for it has as sketchy a past on racial issues as Uncle Joe. Do some research on Ol Bernie and his rape essays, history with the NRA, inability to hire any person of color for his staff prior to 2016, comments about guns in Vermont

The Russian bot quality has really gone downhill.

He has the confidence of a mediocre white man.

I love how the Splinterites think they can come over here, use their same talking points, and we’ll all magically be convinced that Bernie is the Kwisatz Haderach. I didn’t think it three years ago, and I don’t think it now. Bye.

Go back to Splinter.

Yes Bernie’s stellar record on racial mattes doesn’t do that for me. Please back to Splinter where Tyler, Becky & Hannah won’t judge your ass as harshly.

it would be the height of arrogance to “choose” a running mate now when your own candidacy has not even been officially announced yet, and you have not secured a final nomination as the Democratic candidate at the 2020 convention.  All the candidates have to be willing to primarily stand on their own and their


Google “How old is...”

WANTED: Black Sidekick for Presidential Run. Must be able to crack wise, make my old ass look cool and help people forget all the awful ass shit I said back in the 70s, 80s & 90s. Ok pay and decent benefits. Shitty Perks; someone will probably take a shot at you. References available on request.

Dear Joe Biden:

I don’t because I see through the agenda’s of the other two. They love you as long as you see it their way. Calling Joe Biden a racist, pedophile while ignoring Bernie’s shit is not just dishonest it is downright pathetic. Yeah Joe has some skeletons but if that is the case Bernie has a fucking Cemetery

I live for the drama between the Root, Jez, and Splinter.

Go ask Anita Hill to be your running mate, let me know how that works out for you.

I cant do this until 2020. Whomever is on the ballot...I’ll vote for. These idiots going to give the glob another 4 years and I just can’t get emotionally involved this cycle. Continuously working backwards.

Hey be careful guys, the comment section over at Splinter says writers for The Root are “racist morons” for not kissing Bernie’s ass or that of any other mediocre white man they deem as worthy of our blind adulation. As for Uncle Joe he’s damned if he do, damned if he don’t. I mean according Bernie Bros we should all

This is, like, absurdly lame.

No Biden. No Bernie. PLEASE!

West Virginia I will see at least 3 co-workers in black face on Facebook 9 others defend black face when they get fired. And deal with side eye mean mugs when I explain why it’s racist. My next review will describe how my co-workers are scared of me