The biggest lie of 2016 was that the media was rooting for, or even helpful to, Hillary. Your links are all the evidence one needs to understand that fact.
The biggest lie of 2016 was that the media was rooting for, or even helpful to, Hillary. Your links are all the evidence one needs to understand that fact.
So Hillary ran into a problematic figure at a gala or two. So did a lot of other people. It’s not like she knew him or supported him. In fact, I guarantee you that their encounter was limited to a simple introduction and then she moved on to get another glass of chardonnay. Everyone wants to meet Hillary, even…
Sorry for not being a Bernie fanboy and realizing that he did more to harm our party than Trump or anyone else.
First of all, is Pod Save America run by Deray or Shaun King? Shaun is a huge misogynist and avid “Bernie Bro.” In fact, that term was originally coined to describe Shaun. No surprise that his podcast is sexist. Not here anyway.
Even the Pod Save America/Former Obama guys have some nasty bro-sexism history, and they were very much pro-Hillary.
You’ve honestly never run into sexist progressive bros? Seriously? Take our word for it, it’s a thing, in a BIG way.
There are lots of progressive sexists out there. I’m sure there were plenty on the Clinton and Bernie campaigns. That being said, the Times was completely biased against her. There are literally years worth of articles that prove this point. Meanwhile, investigating Trump’s business ventures and his connection to…
It seems entirely possible that the NYT was biased against Clinton and that Clinton’s aides were sexist assholes to female reporters from the NYT. I’m not sure what the tapes are supposed to show unless he recorded every single interaction he had with Chozick.
Thank you for saying this. I am not biracial, but I have felt for a long time that that particular identity was the one being harmed the most by her nonsense. But it seems like no one is bringing it up. Even when Ijoema Oluo interviewed her last year she didn’t mention that she can’t access her real whiteness as a…
I really feel for her son, who seems like a smart, intuitive, good kid. He looks and sounds hurt and stressed. I have to wonder if he’ll cut ties with his mother once he’s older.
This is just so many kinds and varities of fucked up I almost don’t have words for it. It’s absolutely despicable in that clip how she tries to gaslight her own child by painting this as something out of her hands. And then to call this whole thing “rebuilding.” What does that even mean? Rebuilding what? Your lie of a…
And also WANDA SYKES!!! I cannot for the life of me understand why people aren’t incensed by that. She’s every bit as legendary as any of the men up there, and worth eight figures.
The fact that a white woman would INTENTIONALLY want to be a Black Woman, in this society, in this day and age, is proof enough that Rachel Dolezal is mentally ill.
To anybody who will get eyeballs on the service and, as mentioned, a ton of people will hate-watch-and-tweet about it. So, job done as far as Netflix is concerned.
“I really do not want to focus on this for the rest of my life,” Franklin tells his mother, seemingly referring to the controversy Dolezal has created for herself.
It’s a Philip K Dick level of Black Face is what it is.
I’m not watching that bullshit, but I will happily jump into conversations about her and her utter lack of respect and regard and pure selfishness about how she’s actively harming her Black sons.
Dying @ “opposite of God’s Plan”
Of course she didn’t, because she’s fucking White and she knows it.
I didn’t really see her son get buck with her. Frustrated, yeah but he didn’t get totally stupid, either.