
Read my point again. I didn’t explain why people fought for the availability of the birth control pill. I explained why HUGH HEFNER had an interest in the fight: because it was good for his business. All of his activism was good for his business, which was a hedonistic lifestyle where women were at best free to engage

At it’s most basic level it isn’t even about feminism. You are making the argument that it is okay to treat someone abusively, sometimes very abusively, if they agree to work for you. You also seem to disagree that young single women can sometimes be a more vulnerable population. I don’t know what to tell you there,

What’s funny is that you appropriated the language of feminism to make your despicable and disgusting anti feminist points. Or it would be funny, if it wasn’t so sad.

You sound like fucking Satan!

It actually is okay for a woman to get her ass torn up by a sadistic creep (not sure that’s not slut shaming on your party) if she so chooses.

So forward thinking! He works FOR women’s sexuality. God, I love the gaslighting.

That the guy was capable of awful behavior toward women doesn’t invalidate the ideas he advocated: civil rights, reproductive rights, gay and trans rights, etc. You don’t have a recording of the “I have a dream” speech without Bill Cosby, who is a rapist. Is it your idea that people are incapable of more than one

Look, you selfish pathetic POS. He didn’t just hire women to pose in his magazines. He created an entire CONTRACTED lifestyle that YOUNG WOMEN entered into, and by witness accounts (men who worked for him and some of the women playmates themselves) he endangered and abused many of those women. At the very least he

My husband calls this “guy hot.” When a white woman is blonde, not fat, not flat-chested, and groomed to “hot girl” standards, she can have just terrrible features but guys will still think she’s hot. “Hotness” isn’t about looks, it’s about conformity.

This falls under the category of “why do we care?”

I’ve noticed the same thing with hispanic/indian men, particularly recent immigrants. One guy in particular I remember went on endlessly about his girlfriend with “blonde hair and blue eyes.”

Her blood type is Butter

I have actually heard a dude complain that if only Megan Fox were blonde, she’d “be much hotter”. If they can’t get past a woman who is by all objective current beauty standards the ideal having brown hair, they are never gonna change.

I was a blonde for halloween once - my costume wasn’t sexy at all, basically jeans and a t-shirt that I wore to school every day. My white guy friends didn’t recognize me at the party and were hitting on me. I was really upset about it afterwards because the ONLY difference was my wig and some extra makeup that I only

I have no idea! When I bleached my hair out random men would stop me in the grocery store and tell me how beautiful I was and how lovely my hair was. It was ratty as Hell from all the treatments lol. It wasn’t really even nice blonde hair.

It is bizarre. I think the hair bleaching (tanning, boobing, etc.) acts more as a signifier of wanting to conform and please. Many people find *that* attractive in a woman. #NotAllFakeBlondes

She has to be skinny, too, by any means, and put implants in various parts of her body (breasts, butt, cheeks, wherever), and chop off most of her nose, if that makes you feel better.

Why is it that a white woman only has to bleach her hair to be considered attractive by other white people? It’s like no one even looks at their faces to consider their features. This photograph is a good example of that. Throughout junior high, highschool, and university me and my brown friends wondered about this.

I wisely neglect to comment on #PaulaDeen but I say my husband is disgusted with her.

I usually read Dirt Bag over breakfast.