
I read through the comments below and maybe its my old age (35), but can we just let it go? God damn he admitted he wasn’t perfect and is trying to make it better but ya’ll just ready to tear his limbs off for the attempt. Either you all are very unfunny in real life, or have no idea what it takes to write a joke and

Um, he’s a pretty funny guy. Hate to break it to you. 

Welders can make a ton of money; some of the welders in my area charge up to $200 / hour...learn how to do it in high school, get certified when you turn 18, and you’d be rolling in money by your mid-20's.

This is the correct take. For instance, I would expect that, if everyone started buying pet alligators, that the annual number of casualties involving large predatory reptiles would rise drastically.

Oh, it’ll reach production, there’s too much money in the market not to, but it’ll mostly sell to the kind of person who has a pickup as their commuter vehicle.

The Jesus is a Cunt t-shirt is from the band Cradle of Filth, where no such allegations have ever been made.

What color is that Infinity?


I fry eggs in olive oil and spoon the hot oil on top instead of flipping it. This lets the white around the yolk to cook but the yolk stays soft. Whenever I used to flip it, the yolk would always break. One day I noticed my father spooning the oil and I’ve never gone back. Some salt & pepper and that’s it.

That’s kinda the point. They’re all supposed to be outlandish, unlikable caricatures of modern west coast America (except for Trevor which is supposed to represent the average GTA player from what I’ve read). The gameplay is fun but I’ve kinda been wary about going back after hearing Michael’s dickhead of a son say

Meanwhile, I completed the story on PS3, got a PS4 bundle with GTA V the following year, and am currently a level 1,267 with 265d 23h 42m 10s of play time in GTA Online. Pretty sure we balance each other out. Ha!

I will say that I’ve spent $0 in real world money on microtransactions though.

Very often not true. Something predatory people work hard at is maintaining a veil of geniality and morality. They don’t go around being a bad person in everyone’s faces all the time. That way when they do something kinda shitty, they’ve built up this big well of good faith that stands against it. Whatever they did

She seems insufferable. Seth spoke out against his good friend, which had to be difficult, and she gives him homework?

This is genuine over-the-line “cancel culture” exactly the way Fox means it. I missed voting in Charlotte Yi as Gatekeeper for Good Behavior.

Terrific. Thanks for taking the time to respond and not waste your time.

“Yi also posted a checklist of what she feels is necessary for Rogen to do in this situation, which reads..”

It’s okay to stand against abuse, to agree Rogen should do everything on that list, and to still dislike Ms. Yi.

I’m sorry, I know I am supposed to be more sensitive to this, but for the life of me I cannot get the vision of Yi scouring the interwebs all damn weekend long for some “Aha!” moment to prove Seth Rogen wrong...and I cannot stop laughing.

Punish management and executives? You must be new to the US. That’s not how it works here.

I’m not totally surprised that he and his crew did this right, because he really does tend to do the things right.