
Those people aren't wrong they just don't understand the pure unadulterated genius of to the man who designed shoes in size 10; compared to that moron who designed size 11 shoes (that do more and come in different colors).

This is similar to the falacy that the size of a rocket booster was defined by the width of a horse's ass. It's true that it's by design but it's for very insignificant reasons; the form factor is just comfortable and has been since long before the iPhone.

Agreed. Slow sync flash isn't what will define this decade, the proliferation of decent digital cameras that made good photography accessible to people with no photography training will be what defines it.

I agree. As thrilling as it is to watch people who do this die young. And if they want to risk it it's fine, but alot of younger more reckless climbers see people glorified like this and want to try it as well with even less experience and that's the problem.

Looks a bit big. My camera is a Micro 4/3s and so the space needed for the body and lenses is much smaller, yet all camera bags are made for full size DSLRs so everything ends up rattling around rather than being snug.

Seems more checkin related than a beer repository. I want something that is based around rating and reccomending beers and not another "Hey everybody, I'm drinking right now!" Social app.

I'd buy in now if I had more money and a line on trading. They're still not declaring bankrupcy and they're in the process of restructuring. The name alone is worth something even if they crash and somebody snatches that up. Meanwhile they are already selling entry level digital cameras so it's not like they're

I see QR codes all over the place now. Magazines have them, billboards downtown; they're finally starting to be useful in America. I think they're more common now that ever.

Yeah, there are 5 turboprops. I noticed the error. I must post here to prove how amazingly attentive I am at reading the internets, otherwise people might think I didn't know there were only 4.

I like that but I'll stick to using the flat of my chef knife because it's always next to be and I don't want to have to find two big salad tossing bowls.

That's what I'm afraid of too. All the sharing features and upload are great but we don't need more filters.

"...cockpit door lock switch..."

I noticed that, most featured pictures were HDR.

I lost respect for TechCrunch and quit reading them about a year ago simply because their heads got too big and I couldn't take them as respectable journalists anymore.

When companies and start-ups didn't give him exclusive access he blocked all reporting on them sometimes after publicly denouncing them. While he's free to report as he chooses he also has a massive amount of pull in the industry.

Carriers are always touting how fast they are when all I really want is a decent signal. I'd be perfectly happy with 3G if I got more than 1 bar throughout most the city.

Think Green! Legalize it to save the planet!

It's good for some place that's common in the area but Waffle House only works in the south and east. What bellwether store do you use for the rest of the nation?

No, it's true alot of cops are dismissed or relegated to other jobs when a suit if brought to bear because the edited video turns the public against the police force. The Police would rather bow to the will of the angry mob so it all blows over.

Luckily you'll have a recording of it so the suit you bring against the department will be able to award you the big settlement, and the constable in question will likely be kicked off the force.