
I found a great place to get cheap re-usable bottles that have lower production costs and lower material requirements than those Kor One bottles, and they only cost a dollar!

He also said that Aliens could be brought down by human germs.

"Both Hershey and Mars, Inc. have sequenced the cacao genome"

"The most puzzling part of the experiment, one for which he has no concrete answer at the moment, is that he didn't just lose weight he also increased the "good" forms of cholesterol in his blood and decreased the "bad" forms"

I've been really excited about Tron till now. This trailer makes me afraid that Disney's 1st priority is prepositioning this as a video game/merchandise vehicle. It's already reminding me of the Star Wars prequels.

In the moment I often have the urge to take pictures of a great concert as well. It's only natural that if you're having a great time you somehow want to document it so you can keep it for later or to show it off. The problem is that it's not possible.

@Bryanv2: She knows what her selling points are. If she didn't have the sex to sell and relied on her music alone she wouldn't pull a crowd like that.

What's with the sarcasm in the article? I'm sure any of the hundreds of hikers that get lost every year would like a shelter like this. It might even have saved some of the people who died from exposure while lost.

@Imagism: Screw hazing, I'd do this voluntarily if I had the skill not to be thrown overboard.

@WilliamTheFifth: Kind of like how a 5th grade field trip "deputy" is part of the police force!

This guy goes to some awesome abandoned parks and other sites in Japan. Same vibe but there are about 20 or so different locations he's photographed.


Now playing

That's nothing, Ansel Adams would photoshop film in the darkrrom.

They should have stuck with the 20mm lens, you can shoot such fast shots with that it's dream in low light. A small camera like this you don't want to have to haul a tripod everywhere just to take pictures after the sun goes down.

@robotkiller: You should have gotten the 20mm lens at f1.7 it gets roughly double the light in as the 14mm. I could get good night shots at ISO400 or better just by bracing against a wall. Indoor lighting was usually good enough to get portraits without having to use the flash.

@spectralveil: The GF1 isn't very loose. It's not super easy to get a hold of if you have big hands, and if you're fingers are cold forget about it. The problem becomes wanting to change mode and you're fumbling with the dial.

@OMG! Jakooboo!: Yeah I see you at every concert I go to trying to take pictures of the band.