
@FlawedHero: That's the thing, MS is always late to the party but they always come to dominate it, or atleast be a significant player.

@espinha: Bukkake is just a word in in Japan. You can get bukkake noodles over there; Westerners would think it's got a nasty topping but all it means is to pour one thing onto another.

Phone or tablet.

@Sora57: It may have been the backbone connection that was up in 52 hours and local connections later.

@acidrain69: EIA spec for fiber bend radius is 10x the cable diameter and should never be less than 3cm or slightly more than an inch.

I'm all for it. I already have an RFID AmEx card that make payments a breeze, except when some moron at 7-11 still wants to see my ID for a $1.59 purchase.

@Aklost: So I'm not the only one who's sick to death with Apple describing EVERYTHING as revolutionary and magical.

I think the real loser here is Facebook. They're realizing they could have been selling this excellent marketing data to these companies and make money on it.

@alek2407: So if I record every public broadcast terrestrail TV and put them all in one torrent bundle, like the latest season of 30Rock, I'm good right?

Frankly I'm surprised about the numbers sold for Tablet PCs, I can't believe they've sold over a million a year (or over 10,000 for that matter).

What better way to get a gun on a plane!

10/GUI is overrated, like a "Minority Report" interface it's cool as a concept but not practical in reality.

@Hello Mister Walrus: I think what Purdueable was getting at was that AT&T has more smartphones in use. So even with those uses averaging less they still use more data.

@ianoo: That's what video does.

@sixpantsmaloney: You're joking right? I really hope that you're joking and forgot the /sarcasm tag.

@aerognome: It's actually not that rare, but as it was new and expensive it was usually reserved for big spectacles.

Known good solution:

I have to admit when they announced it I was sure they were going to die during the trip. Good for them surviving the pacific on a plastic bottle.

@Denver: Because of the cheap effects and problems with the film in the first one all the characters looked pretty artificial albeit in a much more grainy and glowy way..