
I have to give a big thumbs up to Orb.

@Bonsai_halcyon: I use Musicbrainz because almost all other taggers either use freeDB (which is crap) or Gracenote which is only good if you listen to US and UK music (full of holes everywhere else).

I made a homemade ecosphere once; it was self contained in a half gallon jar, and survived on moderate but never direct sunlight.

@yantelope: I agree 100%, I think XBox Live integration plus, a new and innovative OS (rather than iPhones 3 year old OS), and a open app ecosystem will give them good staying power. And I think it will give them enough momentum to make the OS viable.

Vote: Turbo Tax

@microe: I hate to think of how much extra power a Refrigerator grow light would consume but it makes sense.

Ever since windows 7 I've been using it on the left.

The USDA certification for Organic is bogus in my opinion. If people knew what and how many chemicals could be added they'd realize it's more marketing than anything else.

I was always told growing up that putting the hanger in through the top will stretch the neck out and could break the threads in the neck leading to a permanent droopy collar.

"Build a candle powered hot air balloon using painter's plastic, balsa wood, and birthday candles. I'm almost positive this was actually in a MacGyver episode."

@ddillman: So are alot of things. There are security vulnerabilities for HTML, does that mean we should eliminate it?

Nice. I always wanted somebody to take LivePlasma and use [] data rather than amazon.

@MacAttack7388: I run both windows 7 and XP in a dual boot and the performance difference is minimal. What little difference there is is totally made up for by the fact that I don't have weekly bluescreens on Windows 7.

@golimpio: I use Windows 7 for my main OS. I also frequently try linux distros but finding drivers for netbooks sucks so I keep on with Win7, there's no work involved except the typical problem of loading from USB. However I have an external DVD drive that eliminates that problem.

@UGAdawg: I worked at a place that blocked wikipedia and all wiki related sites. In fact a news article with the work wiki in the title would be blocked. Where I work now most liberal political blogs and sites are blocked but conservative ones are allowed (thanks Utah).

@IN THE FACE!: You can things over SSH and it will be a bit more secure.

@jepzilla: This feature has already saved me twice. Worst was when I accidentally synced a blank smartphone to office with "device overwrites desktop" set. A decades worth of calendar events, todo lists, contacts, notes were all lost.