Josh G

IMO that design detail and the related rear suspension/engine setup is the most interesting aspect of this car. The POD design makes me almost want this more than one of those red cars. But then

What if any are hub mounted motors playing in the development of these beautifully efficient racing machines?

Every time I see this car I think

I feel like there is no better response.

"After all, gays aren't force-fed the idea that our partners are mysterious, alien creatures that are impossible to reason with."

This.... THIS!

As if this was not enough, Andy Evans was at Spa, having allegedly purchased IMSA (I lost track of THAT story while on holiday), and he was courting teams to go to his new GT based championship in the States. He had the fervour of born-again Christian when talking about GTs and sportscars, declaring that we have to

Just read Davddave1111 and ignore everyone else, this is my warning to those who want to dive into the bullshit that is below.

Orange too?

Good call thanks for the feedback.

How long did you own it? A few years back I saw a local rusty but trusty 02 for sale and considered getting it to just drive for a year and then make a decision on restore, or let rust continue to dominate. I chose another time sponge on four wheels instead but always wondered how the day to day on that car was?

I want those on any pre 1983 lightweight 2 door. And any na miata, and... I could go on.

JUST THE TIP! DAMN $200 MORE. Its a metaphor.

Why not show one shot of a perfect drift proving m4 superior in snow. This backing up business is weird.

Did the Veyron ever compete in anything?

Paging Travis!

No person of sound mind thought that any of those clips were from any timed runs, we know they were press shots and we also know that nowadays its cheaper to cgi that shit.

Portal axle, how about hub motor?

Some of my night shots