
with the number of personal accounts of people warning other people about Weinstien coming out, it seems to me like it’s not the fault of anyone not saying anything about him, it’s that nobody listened or took them seriously.

Ok, here goes. Writing this out makes me want to barf. 

This story isn’t supernatural but it’s 100% true and probably the closest I’ve (knowingly) come to being in serious trouble.

I thought Matt Damon was one of the good guys. 😢. I HOPE YOUR MOM IS DISSAPOINTED IN YOU MATT! YOUR DAUGHTERS & WIFE TOO.

I have my own body image issues and wish my nose was smaller, etc. Is it weird that my reaction after reading this was to try to love myself more?

We had 97% in ATL. My boss took a last minute trip to SC to his family’s house so my coworker and I left for an hour and a half and went to the Jackson Street Bridge that overlooks downtown Atlanta/the highway (known for the opening of Walking Dead, if you watch it) and hung out there. Someone made a hip hop playlist

I like this version a lot too. The portrayal of the entire Bennett family was much kinder and more accurate to the book, IMO. Other film versions tend to portray Mrs. Bennett so harshly, i.e. as a gold digger. I also appreciated the greater focus on the relationship between Elizabeth and Ms. Lucas. That’s been sorely

Unpopular opinion; I actually love the Keira Knightley version of Pride and Prejudice because the actors were all the right age for once, the costumes and settings looked lived in and realisticly kept, it’s beautifully shot, the soundtrack is wonderful and they showed a shyer side of Darcy. I actually wish it was

The racist comments on this story are weird. Like...abuse of women and children is something that men of all races and religions seem pretty enthusiastic about. So claiming his Muslim name or the fact that Jezebel didn’t show his picture (when of course, every link they provide takes you right to his face) is some

Seconding the Knob Creek suggestion.

This! Thank you! Major props to Jim. When someone mentions R Kelly, the first thing I bring up is one of his articles and the shit he’s uncovered about R Kelly. He is a great writer and great guy.

I will cut a bitch who tells me they can listen to this fucksticks music after reading this, I deleted everything when it was my misfortune to see that video; this detritus has been allowed to abuse young black women with impunity because of his position a la Saville and other scum.

The headline makes this sound a lot more ominous than it was.

I don’t suppose it matters on the birth certificate, but it does seem a little foolish to just pretend sex has no relationship to health. You don’t need to force anything on a child, but that is medically necessary information regardless of what gender, if any, the child identifies with.

As someone whose mother barely escaped being placed in a concentration camp, I find this incredibly, unbelievably offensive.

That’s adorable, if annoying.

The news channel my company insists on playing (CNBC maybe? I don’t know) showed some quotes earlier from people who got dismissed from the jury. One of them was the Wu Tang disrespect quote. My favorite was the person who said they wouldn’t be able to impartial unless it was about what jail he went to.

Why? Because he’s so very desperate for the approval of the lamestream media and all of the elites he pretends to scorn.

Well, at least the meatballs have a potential for *actual* meat in them. My toddler will currently only eat ‘cold dog dog’ and mint tea. Last week he ate nutella but that’s over now.